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Debbie Gibson FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about rec.music.artists.debbie-gibson, alt.fan.debbie.gibson and Deborah Gibson.

This FAQ about rec.music.artists.debbie-gibson, alt.fan.debbie.gibson and Deborah Gibson was compiled and written by Levien de Braal (levien@cc.gatech.edu) with numerous contributions by others.

Maintained by Levien de Braal (levien@cc.gatech.edu)
Written by Levien de Braal and Bob MacDowell
Special thanx to Shmuel Ross and Myra Wong

-1.1 What has Usenet to offer for a Deborah Gibson fan ?
Usenet readers can keep informed about Deborah Gibson by reading ...
-1.2 What is rec.music.artists.debbie-gibson (RMADG)?
On October 13, 1995, the results were announced of the official vote ...
-1.3 What is alt.fan.debbie.gibson (AFDG)?
Early February 1993 the newsgroup alt.fan.debbie.gibson was created for ...
-2.1 What is the official fan club ? (Debbie Gibson)
The Deborah Gibson International Fan club (D.G.I.F.) is the only official ...
-2.2 What is the "BtL Newsletter" ? (Debbie Gibson)
On March 31, 1989, several fans got together to create a Deborah ...
-2.3 What mailing lists exist to discuss Deborah Gibson ?
There are several BtL (see 2.2) provided mailing lists for Deborah ...
-2.4 What World Wide Web (WWW) services are there for Deborah Gibson fans ?
There are a large number of WWW-pages created by fans. The deb.org ...
-2.5 Can I chat with other fans on the net in real time ? (Debbie Gibson)
Check out http://deb.org/void....
-3.1 What Deborah Gibson albums have been released ?
Deborah has recorded seven studio albums:...
-3.2 What Deborah Gibson singles have been released ?
Whoa! We will not go into a complete discography here. A discography ...
-3.3 What Deborah Gibson videotapes have been released ?
Out of the Blue has the first four music videos. (30 min.)...
-3.4 Why Japanese only Bonus tracks ? (Debbie Gibson)
Domestic CD prices in Japan are set by the Japanese government. These ...
-3.5 Who writes Deborah Gibson's music ?
Most of it is written by Deborah Gibson herself. She uses her actual name,...
-3.6 Who produces Deborah Gibson's music ?
Deborah Gibson, although she lets others spin the knobs on occasion ...
-3.7 Who has had the privilege to work with Deborah Gibson ?
On Out Of The Blue she worked with Fred Zarr, John Morales, Sergio ...
-3.8 What instruments does Deborah Gibson play ?
Piano, programming synthesizers and drum machines, guitar and flute. At ...
-4.1 Who is Deborah Gibson ?
Full name: Deborah Ann ...
-4.2 What has Deborah Gibson done so far ?
Deborah Gibson started her career at a young age. She got experience ...
-4.3 What is she doing in the theatre ? (Debbie Gibson)
Deborah has been involved in the theatre longer than she has been in music....
-4.4 What are GPI, GMI, Espiritu, and Golden Egg ? (Debbie Gibson)
Deborah's production/management companies: Gibson Production International ...
-4.5 What is this with Deborah Gibson and Tiffany ?
A long long time ago, Deborah Gibson and Tiffany were teenage artists ...
-4.6 Is Deborah Gibson still a teenager ?
Time marches on. She was born August 31, 1970. Do the math....
-4.7 Are there any biographies about Deborah Gibson ?
The best is the authorized biography by Mark Bego: Between the Lines. It ...
-4.8 Has she ever posed nude in Playboy, Penthouse or similar ? (Debbie Gibson)
No. Playboy made an offer to Deborah shortly after she turned 18. At that ...
-4.9 Did she write a letter to the Times about Madonna's book ? (Debbie Gibson)
She wrote a letter that the New York Times never published. She ...
-4.10 Is it true that Deborah Gibson did a striptease in one of her videos ?
Yes. She plays a stripper in the video of Losin' Myself, the first ...
-5.1 What do OOTB, BMS, LM and all those funny acronyms mean ? (Debbie Gibson)
These are song or album names. Some people have a habit of using these a lot....

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