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34. Are there any Korean newspapers or magazines available on the Internet?


This article is from the Hangul & Internet in Korea FAQ, by Jungshik Shin jshin@minerva.cis.yale.edu with numerous contributions by others.

34. Are there any Korean newspapers or magazines available on the Internet?

As of July, 1996, there are tens of Korean newspapers and magazines, if not
over a hundred, are on the Web as well as in print. Listed below are only a
part of them.

o Han-kyoreh Shinmun, Han-kyoreh 21(weekly) & Cine 21(weekly) at
o DongA Ilbo at http://www.dongailbo.co.kr
o Joongang Ilbo at http://www.joongang.co.kr
o Chosun Ilbo(Korean/English) & Sports Chosun at http://www.chosun.com
o Hankook Ilbo,Korea Times(English), Ilgan Sports,Seoul Economic Daily, all
at http://www.korealink.co.kr
o Korea Herald(English) at http://zec.three.co.kr/koreaherald
o Korea Economic Daily at http://www.ked.co.kr
o Taegu Daily News at http://www.m2000.co.kr
o Kyonghayng Shinmun at http://www.khan.co.kr
o Seoul Daily News at http://www.seoul.co.kr
o Intelligate, Customized Newspaper service at
o Daily Trade News of Korea (Ilgan muyeok) at http://tradenews.co.kr
o MBC at http://www.mbc.co.kr : Real time TV and Radio broadcast
o KBS at http://www.kbs.co.kr : Real time TV and Radio broadcast
o SBS at http://www.sbs.co.kr : Real time TV and Radio broadcast
o Internet(monthly) at http://www.internetmag.co.kr published by

In addition to these, most newspapers in Korea are available on nationwide
on-line service(See Subject 33). You may read (at least) headlines of major
Korean papers(Hankyoreh,DongAh,etc) at Nowcom by login as 'guest' and typing
'go news' for the list of papers available at the prompt.

There are now too many newspapers and magazines available on the net for me
to list here. You may use search engines for Korean web sites (see Subject
35) to locate Korean magazines and newspapers on-line.


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previous page: 33.Can I connect to any of nationwide on-line service' in Korea via the Internet? Does any of them offer outbound service to the Internet?
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next page: 35. Where can I find information about WWWservers in Korea and related to Korea?