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1. Where can I get Hangul programs in public domain? Is there any anonymous FTP archive for them?


This article is from the Hangul & Internet in Korea FAQ, by Jungshik Shin jshin@minerva.cis.yale.edu with numerous contributions by others.

1. Where can I get Hangul programs in public domain? Is there any anonymous FTP archive for them?

Yes, there are several anonymous FTP archives in Korea and the US with
public domain hangul progams mentioned below. For commercial s/w, see
Subject 23)

CAIR Archive(cair-archive.kaist.ac.kr or ftp.kaist.ac.kr)
The most extensive archive of Hangul programs run by CAIR at KAIST. Also
primary archive for WWW-KR (non-profit organization for WWW in Korea).
a.k.a ftp.kaist.ac.kr
KREONET archive(ftp.kreonet.re.kr)
Run at SERI. Mirrors Hangul programs at CAIR archive and has vast amount
of files other than Hangul programs. It should be a bit faster for users
outside KAIST than CAIR archive because it's on the backbone of KREONET
while CAIR archive is a slightly off the KREONET backbone(a FDDI link
apart). You may try experimental web interface at
http://Yellow.KREONet.Re.KR/ftp/ and http://Yellow.KREONet.Re.KR/pub/.
Sunsite Korea(sunsite.kren.ne.kr/shortcut/hangul)
mirrors CAIR hangul archive along with many other archives(e.g.
CTAN,RTFM) over the Net. It uses oversea links different than those for
CAIR archive and KREONET archive, so that it's a good alternative if both
of them with the same oversea link are inaccessible or slow.
I-Net Archive(ftp.nuri.net)
A mirror of CAIR Archive hangul programs. Uses different oversea link
from those for CAIR archive and other mirrors and may be a good
replacement along with SunSite Korea and Kornet archive if CAIR archive
is slow or inaccessible.
Kornet Archive (ftp.kornet.ne.kr)
A mirror of CAIR Archive hangul programs with separate oversea link(in
fact, faster than all other Korean backbone networks, KREONET,KREN,and
several commericial ISPs) Also, mirrors Usenet FAQs at rtfm.mit.edu.
Hangul archive in
Run by Un,Koaunghi(at koaunghi.un@student.uni-tuebingen.de). Home of
HLaTeX and German mirror of CAIR Hangul archive. It's in the middle of
the recovery from the crash so that there may be missing files. You might
try ftp.infodrom.north.de/pub/hangul/, instead.
HanaBBS Archive(hanabbs.com:
used to be the first spot to look for Hangul programs before trying
archives in Korea run by Moon,Jeong-hoon at jhmoon@hanabbs.com. Hana BBS
as well as Hangul IRC server is run here. Formerly located at
korea.stanford.edu. Also a very extensive source of information about
Korea and network in Korea when accessed via Web. Unfortunately, there
seems to have been either disk crash or some major change and none of
Hangul programs is left.
UCSD Hangul archive(gort.ucsd.edu/pub/jhan)
Han,Jeong-gwan collected a lot of useful Hangul programs especially for
Mac and MS-DOS/Windows and sorted and arranged them very nicely. A must
for those tired of a little bit confusing arrangement at Stanford
HiTel Archive
One of nationwide on-line service(See Subject 33) in Korea,HiTel has made
its archive accessible via Web at
http://www.hitel.net/cgi-bin/webpds/webpds_ini.cgi. There are a number of
useful Hangul related programs not yet available on the Net.
Mac Hangul Archive 1(salmosa.kaist.ac.kr)
Most hangul stuffs for Mac including small utilities for Korean Language
Kit(KLK) (DaBoine,etc) and a new Input Method(Aram IM) can be found here.
The newest Hangul patches for programs made for English(e.g.
Netscape,MS-Explorer, Eudora,IRCle, Anarchie,Fetch,NCSA
Telnet,NiftyTelnet) are archived. Run by Kim, Jeong-hyun at KAIST.
Sometimes, it's faster to use its mirrors in /pub/hangul/mac at CAIR
archive and its mirrors at KREONET,Sunsite Korea, and I-Net. Web
interface to this archive running at PB 520c(Jeong-hyun Kim's) is
available (but not always) at http://scorpion.kaist.ac.kr
Mac Archive 3(http://www.aminet.co.kr/~kimsj)
Home page of Kim,Song Jong (a developer of many Mac sharewares in Korea)
at kimsj@aminet.co.kr rather than an archive accesible by FTP. Link for
Sejong Input method 1.54 and other sharewares are available here.
[Contribution by Kim, Jung-gyum (aragon@soback.kornet.ne.kr)].
Hangul Mail Archive (cosmos.kaist.ac.kr)
Hangul Sendmail and other hangul mail related programs are archived here.
maintained by Choi, Woohyung
Caltech Korea Archive(seoul.caltech.edu)
used to be a nice archive of Hangul programs. It seems to have been
undergoing massive changes and as of Sep. 23, no file is available.

In case you can't find what you're looking for in /pub/hangul, look into
/incoming(or /pub/hangul/incoming) as more often than not, /incoming
directory of archives have the newest programs.

An excellent(far better organized and much friendlier than this FAQ list)
guide to the Internet including use of Hangul on the Net by Jo,Sanku at
TAMU(former sysop of KIDS,the first Internet BBS in Korea) is available at
http://ee.tamu.edu/~skjo/ibook. You should find it of great help in
understanding Internet in general and using Hangul on the Net in particular.
Note that it's in Hangul, so that you have to view it with Hangul-capable
web browsers. See Subject 36 (Unix/X window), Subject 37(Mac), Subject 38(MS
Windows), Subject 39(OS/2), and Subject 40(MS-DOS) for Hangul web browsing.

A similarly excellent and comprehensive coverage geared for Mac users is
offered by Gil, Hojin(hojing@concentric.net) at

Comprehensive coverage of multilinguial computing with emphasis put on
CJK(Chinese,Japanese, and Korean) is provided by Ken Lunde of Adobe at
ftp://ftp.ora.com/pub/examples/nutshell/ujip/doc/ where you can find
numerous links to pages on multilinguial computing.

Other extensive source of information (geared particularly for Mac but with
much useful information to other platforms users such as Hangul keyboard
layout) is Hantorie (Han Korean Kit) for Mac(See Subject 5) home page at

Other archives include

o ftp.sogang.ac.kr
o kum.kaist.ac.kr.
o kids.kotel.co.kr.
o cbubbs.chungbuk.ac.kr
o nms.kyunghee.ac.kr
o hyowon.pusan.ac.kr
o uniboy.dwt.co.kr
o halla.dacom.co.kr
o sokri.etri.re.kr.


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