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0. Introduction (Hangul & Internet in Korea)


This article is from the Hangul & Internet in Korea FAQ, by Jungshik Shin jshin@minerva.cis.yale.edu with numerous contributions by others.

0. Introduction (Hangul & Internet in Korea)

This FAQ list is intended to answer the most frequently asked questions in
soc.culture.korean on Hangul program on Intel x86 based PC, Mac and UNIX and
Internet in Korea.

Plain text version of this FAQ list is posted 1st and 3rd Saturday to
soc.culture.korea,alt.talk.korean, alt.internet.services, and comp.misc.
Every month(3rd Saturday of each month), it's also posted to news.answers,
soc.answers, comp.answers,and alt.answers, and archived at rtfm.mit.edu and
its mirror sites(Among directories at rtfm.mit.edu with the FAQ are
/pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/soc/culture/korean). Moreover, it's avaliable in
plain text format at following searchable FAQ archives(the last one is in

o http://www.cs.ruu.nl/cgi-bin/faqwais
o http://www.lib.ox.ac.uk/search/search_faqs.html.
o http://www.faqs.org/faqs/cultures/korea/hangul-internet/

You can always retrieve the most recent one at

Summary of the FAQ in Korean is posted to Hangul Usenet Newsgroup (See
Subject 14) han.answers and han.comp.hangul on 1st and 3rd Saturday of each
month and HTML version of the summary in Korean is available at

Original Hangul.FAQ list(still circulated in Korea and archived at most
archives in Korea such as CAIR-archive) was compiled and written by
Choi,Woohyung at KAIST perhaps in 1992. Its principal purpose was to answer
frequently asked questions about Hangul computing (especially related to
Unix and the Internet that had just taken off and began sky-rocketing growth

in Korea). and served well a number of netters in and outside Korea. It was
written , however, for those familiar with use of Hangul on computer(e.g.
word processing), which are not often the case for Korean and others outside
Korea. Hence, need for revised Hangul.FAQ for this group of people arised as
exemplified by numerous questions in soc.culture.korean not covered by the
original FAQ list. I embarked on revising the original FAQs in late 1992 and
added many items of particular interest to people outside Korea with
interest in Hangul who have difficulty finding information about Hangul
computing and Internet service in Korea. It had since been semi-regularly
posted to soc.culture.korean until Aug. 1993 when I left the U.S. During my
stay in Korea, it was maintained by Lee, Kumsup (at klee@math.umn.edu). I
set out for rather big revision including converting it to HTML when I
returned to the States in Aug. 1995 and it still needs a large number of
corrections and additions, which I'll do as my time allows me to.

About 35% of material in this FAQ list came from original Hangul FAQ by
Choi,Woohyung at KAIST. The rest was collected and compiled by me thanks to
a lot of netters on Usenet newsgroup soc.culture.korean, and several groups
belonging to Han hierarchy. Besides, a number of netters on Hangul Internet
BBS such as ARA,KIDS and CBUBBS have helped complete this FAQ. Recent
updates to this FAQ list are also partly due to numerous articles posted to
Nowcom and HiTel where I have an account.

I used to mark what I added to the original FAQ by ** at the beginning of
paragraphs, but I decided to drop that convention and explicitely note
contribution of the author( Choi,Woohyung) of original FAQ, instead.

This was edited with special regard for Koreans abroad,people of Korean
ethnicity and others who are not familiar with Korean software on their
platforms and Internet in Korea. As such, it may include some items too well
known to people in Korea.

I tried to be as accurate as I can,but this is certainly bound to have
mistakes. Please, post any suggestion and comment to soc.culture.korean or
send them to me at jshin@pantheon.yale.edu. I'll try to include new findings
and corrections as my time allows.

HTML version now supports Keyword search. You may use logical operators
OR,AND,and NOT and parentheses to combine keywords.


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