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SCOR Offering


This article is from the Investing Articles: Public Offerings: IPO and DPO series.

SCOR Offering

SCOR (Small Corporate Offering Registration) is a do-much-of-it-yourself securities registration document ("prospectus") in the form of a 50-question form designed so that knowledgeable business people, their attorneys and accountants can create the documents needed to sell state-registered securities to the general public--a direct public offering.

  • Issuers can raise up to $1 million every twelve months
  • Securities must be registered in states where they are sold
  • Stock is not restricted and can be traded in secondary markets
  • Issuer can use their regular attorney and accountant
  • Uses 50-question form U-7 format
  • Approximately one in four of approved SCORs raised at least their minimum subscription in1994.


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