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8-9 Has there been any newspaper or magazine articles about PEZ?


This article is from the PEZ candy and PEZ dispensers FAQ, by sharpe@dg-rtp.dg.com (Chris Sharpe) with numerous contributions by others.

8-9 Has there been any newspaper or magazine articles about PEZ?

Sure there has. Look up the following (also see question [5-1]):
"PEZ de Resistance", People, 1991.
"PEZ lives on", Lisa J. Adams (AP), "LA Daily News", October 20, 1993,
Business Section, p. 1.
"Remember" Magazine, June/July, 1995, Vol. 2, No. 3, P.M. Publications,
6 Prowitt Street, Norwalk, CT 06855-1220.
"Eat Me - Notes Towards a Pezology", Denmark, on the Internet at
Something announcing the reissue of the Regulars, Brandweek,
September 25, 1995, p. 10.
"What's the Buzz about PEZ", Richard Geary, Baby Boomer Collectibles,
Vol. 3, No. 2, November 1995.
"PEZ, Candy Dispenser Turned Collectible", Sue Sternfield, Baby Boomer
Collectibles, Vol. 1, No. 4, January 1994.
"PEZ Connection", S.J. Glew, Collectible Toys & Values, Volume 1 #39,
October 1995, p. 80. This column was an irregular feature.
"Collecting PEZ", Sharon Korbeck, Toy Collector and Price Guide,
Vol. 7, No. 1, February 1996.
"Fun with the Hot Collectibles Now", Terry and Ralph Kovel, Bottom
Line Personal, September 15, 1995. p. 7-9.
"Candy dispensers tops at PEZ Museum", Diana Marszalek, Antelope Valley
Press, February 15, 1996, Section C, p. 1.
"Unlikely Treasures, Edward C. Baig, US News and World Report,
November 2, 1992, p. 85.
"neat stuff!", The Learning Channel, when, 1995.
"PEZ hope: Make mint off adults", Joseph Menn of Bloomberg Business
News, Columbus Dispatch, April 22, 1996.
"Big Bidness", Allison Moir, Forbes, May 10, 1993, p. S174.
"The PEZ Predicament", http://www.suck.com E-zine, May 21, 1996.
"The Candy That Rots Your Soul", Wired, August 1996, p. 174.
"?", Entertainment Weekly, July 26, 1996, #337, p. 10.
"A whole new spin on PEZ", USA Today, August 15, 1996,
Life Section, p. 1.
"?", Chicago Tribune, September 5, 1996.
"?", Dallas Morning News, September 9, 1996, Today Section, p. 1.
[ What are the others? -CS ]


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