
previous page: 8-7 Is there a newsgroup or mailing list for PEZ?
page up: PEZ Candy FAQ
next page: 8-9 Has there been any newspaper or magazine articles about PEZ?

8-8 How can I get the latest copy of this FAQ?


This article is from the PEZ candy and PEZ dispensers FAQ, by sharpe@dg-rtp.dg.com (Chris Sharpe) with numerous contributions by others.

8-8 How can I get the latest copy of this FAQ?

Automated Listserver: Send mail to maiser@cbs-engineering.com
with the following message body:

send pez.faq

If you need to receive the FAQ in small parts
(ex. AOL or Juno users), use the following
message body:

send pez-1.faq
send pez-2.faq
send pez-3.faq

HTML: http://pobox.com/~pez/ (The Original PEZ Page)
http://www.faqs.org/faqs (FAQ Archive)

FTP: ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/faqs/food/pez-faq

Newsgroups: Monthly posting to news.answers, alt.answers,
rec.answers, rec.collecting, rec.toys.misc,
and alt.food.pez

Email: sharpe@dg-rtp.dg.com (use as last resort)


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previous page: 8-7 Is there a newsgroup or mailing list for PEZ?
page up: PEZ Candy FAQ
next page: 8-9 Has there been any newspaper or magazine articles about PEZ?