
previous page: 8-9 Has there been any newspaper or magazine articles about PEZ?
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8-10 Where can I find these newsletters I've heard about?


This article is from the PEZ candy and PEZ dispensers FAQ, by sharpe@dg-rtp.dg.com (Chris Sharpe) with numerous contributions by others.

8-10 Where can I find these newsletters I've heard about?

There is a newsletter called "PEZ Collectors News" which began
in September 1995. For a one year subscription, send a check or money-order
for $19 US ($20 for Canadian subscription and $26 for air-mail to Europe) to:

Richard Belyski
P.O. Box 124
Sea Cliff, NY 11579-0124
Fax: (516) 676-1183

There is also a PEZ club, "The Fliptop PEZervation Society." Members get
an official certificate of membership, an official membership card, and 6
issues (1 year subscription) of the Official Club Newsletter. The first issue
was in September 1995. Membership is $18 US ($20 for Canada and $25 for
Europe) per year. For more information, or to join contact:

Dennis Martin
2328 Farley Place
Birmingham, AL 35226
(205) 822-8745

There used to be a newsletter "The Optimistic Pezzimist" published by
Mike Robertson of Dripping Springs, Texas. There was also another newsletter
published by Larry Lafoe.

Many antique price guides and collectible toy price guide include listings
of discontinued PEZ dispensers and their current market values.


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