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next page: 4-2 I saw an Elvis Presley PEZ dispenser in the movie "The Client". Where can I buy one? How about Pee Wee Herman, Spock, Michael Jackson, Hitler, Barbie, and the Sta-Puff marshmallow man?

4-1 Where can I find PEZ dispensers and Candy refills?


This article is from the PEZ candy and PEZ dispensers FAQ, by sharpe@dg-rtp.dg.com (Chris Sharpe) with numerous contributions by others.

4-1 Where can I find PEZ dispensers and Candy refills?

PEZ Candy products (both dispensers and refills) are sold nationally
by K-Mart, Walmart, Walgreens, Target Stores, Eckerd Drug, Family
Dollar Stores, and Dollar General Stores. Also try your local
supermarket, drugstore, and gift and novelty stores. Popular places
to find PEZ in Canada include The Bay, Sears, Eatons, Zellers,
Walmart, K-Mart, Toys R Us, major drug stores and supermarkets.


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previous page: 3-9 What are Kosher PEZ?
page up: PEZ Candy FAQ
next page: 4-2 I saw an Elvis Presley PEZ dispenser in the movie "The Client". Where can I buy one? How about Pee Wee Herman, Spock, Michael Jackson, Hitler, Barbie, and the Sta-Puff marshmallow man?