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8. Resources for useful materials (Shenanigans)


This article is from the Shenanigans FAQ, by Michael Moncur altshen@REMOVETHIS-starlingtech.com with numerous contributions by others.

8. Resources for useful materials (Shenanigans)

Since creativity is at the heart of shenanigans, there is no set of
"tools" that one needs; What one needs is merely the right attitude.
Nonetheless, some items just inspire shenanigans, and it's nice to
keep a few handy.

Johnson Smith Company
4514 19th St. Court East
PO Box 25500
Bradenton, FL 34206-5500

This company sells all of the "classic" practical joke items - joy
buzzers, water balloons, fake parking tickets, ad infinitum. Send for
a catalog.

Oriental Trading Company
P.O. Box 3407
Omaha, NE 68103-0407
(800) 228-2269

OTC doesn't sell anything that is intended for practical jokes -
but it's a goldmine for the creative shenaniganster. Balloons, rubber
balls, plastic fish, funky toy sunglasses, stickers... All sold by
the dozen or by the gross, at incredibly good prices. Call and ask
for their catalog - they'll ship it UPS for free.

American Science and Surplus
PO Box 48838
Niles, IL
(708) 982-0870

An EXCELLENT catalog with scientific and all sorts of other bizarre
surplus items, many ready-made shenanigans in themselves. It's also
fun to read the catalog cover to cover, as their descriptions are
quite amusing.

Edmund Scientific Company
101 E. Gloucester Pike
Barrington, NJ 08007-1380
(609) 547-8880

Another scientific supply house. A bit on the expensive side, but they
do have alot of useful items for the technically-oriented shenaniganist,
and a few bizarre novelty items - magnets of all sorts, telescopes and
lenses, weather balloons, and of course Sea Monkeys and jumping quarters.

Gall's Inc.
2470 Palumbo Drive
Lexington, KY 40555-4658
(800) 477-7766, fax (800) 944-2557

These guys are THE place to order all sorts of neat-o police equipment,
everything from breathalyzers to police car light bars and sirens and
firefighting equipment, etc. It's a GREAT catalog to flip through no
matter what, and just about the only things the public isn't allowed to
order is car entry tools and police badges. (Don't forget the POLICE

Of course, don't forget the produce section at your local
supermarket. You'd be amazed at how many strange looks you can get
just by carrying the right fruit or vegetable. Try naming it and
talking to it for added effect.


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