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6. Shenanigans We've All Heard Before


This article is from the Shenanigans FAQ, by Michael Moncur altshen@REMOVETHIS-starlingtech.com with numerous contributions by others.

6. Shenanigans We've All Heard Before

There are certain things that get posted about once a month by different
people. Perhaps this is a shenanigan itself; If not, here are some of
them so that you can avoid being the one to post them.

[alt.shenanigans veterans: I'm probably forgetting a few of these.
Suggestions are welcome.]

1. DORM PRANKS. I'm sure there are some creative ones - I've heard some
great ones - but there are certain ones that haunt us: "Pennying" someone
into their dorm; rearranging their furniture; bricking up their doors;
and so on. Chances are that, unless you made it up yourself, (and
often, even if you did) we've heard it.

2. Using "Business Reply Mail" cards to mail, say, for example, BRICKS...
Not only is this not a shenanigan; it's also illegal and simply doesn't
work. Here's a quote from a United States Postal Service bulletin:

"When someone attaches your business reply envelope to a larger package
(or even to a brick), you don't have to accept it and pay postage. Postage
is due on non-letter size pieces only if the sender affixed your business
reply _label_." [Editor's note: Yes, the "brick" bit is in the
bulletin. Their parentheses, not mine.]


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