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5. Shenaniganisms and their meanings (alt.shenanigans terminology)


This article is from the Shenanigans FAQ, by Michael Moncur altshen@REMOVETHIS-starlingtech.com with numerous contributions by others.

5. Shenaniganisms and their meanings (alt.shenanigans terminology)

A brief glossary of terms you'll see in alt.shenanigans:

Words meaning "shenanigan":
"shen" - a shortened form which has come into recent use.
"jake" - a discordian term for something done to create chaos.
"jape" - a dated term meaning practical joke.
"practical joke" is obvious; occasionally abbreviated "PJ".
"pranks" are usually considered different from shenanigans in that
shenanigans are harmless and pranks aren't. See "What is a
Shenanigan" above. "Practical Joke" may have the same connotation.

Words meaning "One who performs a shenanigan":
perpetrator, perp, shenaniganer, shenner, shenster, shenaniganster,
shenaniganizer, shenaniganist, hooligan

Words meaning "The intended victim of a shenanigan":
victim, mark, recipient, target

...and finally, "shenaniganism" is the lifestyle or belief system
of one who devotes a large part of his/her life to shenanigans.


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