This article is from the Shenanigans FAQ, by Michael Moncur with numerous contributions by others.
Many shenanigans have been perpetrated on the Internet, USENET, and
on alt.shenanigans itself. Someone has a list of them, but it isn't
me. :) If anyone can dig it up, please email me - if not I'll
eventually complete this section by browsing through the archives.
Most recently, the most successful net.shenanigan ever was pulled on
a newsgroup called [Insert brief description
of the a.c.t. shenanigan here.] I also am attempting to compile an
archive of the postings involved in this shenanigan... Let me know
if you've already done such a thing.
If you are planning a net shenanigan, remember two things: first,
to be a shenanigan it should be harmless, and second, discussing a new
net.shenanigan on alt.shenanigans is a Bad Idea, since your intended
victim might be reading it. That's what mailing lists are for...
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