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10. Shenanigan info available online, related newsgroups, etc.


This article is from the Shenanigans FAQ, by Michael Moncur altshen@REMOVETHIS-starlingtech.com with numerous contributions by others.

10. Shenanigan info available online, related newsgroups, etc.

Related newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban is a newsgroup that deals
with "urban legends", and many shenanigans are urban legends - the
kidnapped garden gnome that sent postcards from throughout the
country, the students who stole all of the barber poles in a town...
Of course, these might have happened, probably more than once. You
may also want to check out alt.folklore.college, alt.folklore.computers,
alt.fan.lemurs, and of course alt.fan.henry-j-tillman. If shenanigans
are too mild for you, try alt.revenge.

The alt.shenanigans archive: All of the posts, good and bad, from
alt.shenanigans - down to the first post - are in this archive. It's
usually within a week of up-to-date. It's at ftp.xmission.com, in the
/pub/users/m/mgm/shenanigans directory. If you have trouble accessing
it, or don't have FTP access, send mail to altshen AT starlingtech.com, and we
can possibly make other arrangements. You'll also find the latest
version of this FAQ at this site.

[The alt.shenanigans archive is currently a bit out of date; I'm
working on a way to automate it. Stay tuned.]

The shenanigans mailing list: This mailing list exists independently
of alt.shenanigans, and is used for planning 'unpublicized' shenanigans.
For further information, send mail to altshen AT starlingtech.com .

The alt.shenanigans Web Page:
Includes basic info, access to the FAQ and archives, links to other
shenanigan-related sites, and the best of alt.shenanigans - a
compilation of particularly good posts to the group.


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