This article is from the soc.history.what-if FAQ, by Anthony Mayer with numerous contributions by others.
Since soc.history.what-if is an unmoderated newsgroup, there are no
enforceable rules. There is no official style guide. On the other hand, we
aspire to, and have often achieved, a high level of netiquette.
Please do not post binary files (images and the like). General Usenet
rules restrict them to newsgroups with "binaries" in their title, to
conserve bandwidth on slower servers. Commercial advertisements are
strictly forbidden.
The level of historical knowledge possessed by posters to this newsgroup
varies, and many new subscribers can feel intimidated by the level of
detail in some postings. Please don't let that prevent you from posting;
often, that detail is put in specifically to help people who don't know as
much about a specific subject join the discussion.
Some hints to keep in mind:
a) When you ask a what-if question, it is a good idea to attempt to
provide some (partial) answer of your own. Some posters consider it
rude to post a question alone, and all of us are *much* more likely to
respond to suggested results than just bare points of divergence.
b) In advancing a timeline that might result from a historical
divergence, don't be afraid to explain why you think certain things
would happen. It often helps to provide some historical background
rather than just stating that such-and-such would happen, followed by
a-later-event and then something-even-later.
c) If a major change is made to history, almost everything from that
point on will be different. So before you ask what difference your
change would make to the outcome of WWII, make sure that you could
reasonably expect there to *be* a WWII in the new timeline. (If you
change the American Civil War, you can make a case for it. If you get
rid of Jesus Christ, forget it.)
d) Be prepared to defend your assertions; i.e., don't state something is
true without being able to provide evidence. Some "common knowledge"
about the past is actually untrue (whether it be because of television,
the blandness of grade school textbooks, or myth-makers such as Parson
Weems), and posters to this newsgroup are more than willing to tell you
so. (See also Question 11.)
e) On the other hand, it is not considered necessary to cite sources
unless/until someone challenges you. Preferred newsgroup practice is
to ask for the source of an interpretation you don't agree with rather
than immediately blasting it as wrong. (Errors of fact may be corrected
more directly.) Attacking someone else's level of knowledge is rude,
even if true, and will win you no friends.
f) Don't forget to say *why* something happens differently. For
instance, someone might ask "What if World War I never happened?",
perhaps seeking out opinions on how that might result in the non-rise
of fascism and presumably no World War II. But an honest answer means
also considering such important factors as the European arms race
during the decades prior to World War I and imperial Germany's search
for colonial territories, and how they would have to be altered so that
the war doesn't occur.
It is perfectly acceptable to ask for help in getting the result you
want, e.g. if you know you want to keep Bismarck and still avoid WWI.
g) Really huge WI's, such as changes to human nature ("What if people
had no aggressive instincts?") generally do not produce any useful
comments. They are too big to handle; there's not really much to say
apart from "everything would be different."
h) Please be aware of those subjects that are likely to cause offence
if not handled with care, and those subjects which are strictly
forbidden - see Question 5 for more on these points.
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