Inflammatory Bowel Disease FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Inflammatory Bowel Disease
This FAQ about
was compiled and written by
with numerous contributions by others.
- 1.0.1 What IBD support organizations exist in the US (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)?
- If you live in the U.S., start by contacting CCFA- the Crohn's and ...
- 1.0.2 What IBD support organizations exist in Canada?
- If you live in Canada, you can contact the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of ...
- 1.0.3 What IBD support organizations exist in the UK?
- If you live in the United Kingdom, you should contact ...
- 1.0.4 What IBD support organizations exist in Ireland?
- Try the Irish Society for Colitis & Crohn's Disease (ISCC), Carmichael ...
- 1.0.5 What IBD support organizations exist in Austrailia?
- If you live in Austrailia, be sure to contact the Australian Crohn's and ...
- 1.0.6 What IBD support organizations exist in Austria?
- Osterreichische Morbus Crohn/Colitis Ulcerosa Vereinigung ...
- 1.0.7 What IBD support organizations exist in Belgium?
- Crohn en Colitis Ulcerosa Vereniging vzw (CCV), ...
- 1.0.8 What IBD support organizations exist in Denmark?
- Colitis Crohn Foreningen (CCF), Lyngevej 116, 3450 Allerod, ...
- 1.0.9 What IBD support organizations exist in France?
- Association Francois Aupetit (AFA), Hopital Rothschild, 33 ...
- 1.0.10 What IBD support organizations exist in Germany?
- The German DCCV (Deutsche Morbus Crohn und Colitis ...
- 1.0.11 What IBD support organizations exist in Italy?
- Associazione per le Malattie Inflammatorie Croniche dell'Intestino ...
- 1.0.12 WhatIBD support organizations exist in Luxembourg?
- Association Luxembourgeoise de la Maladie de Crohn (ALMC), PO Box ...
- 1.0.13 What IBD support organizations exist in The Netherlands?
- Crohn en Colitis Ulcerosa Vereniging Nederland (CCUVN), ...
- 1.0.14 What IBD support organizations exist in New Zealand?
- Contact Crohn's & Colitis Support Groups at either P.O. Box 52043, ...
- 1.0.15 What IBD support organizations exist in Norway?
- Landsforeningen Mot Fordoyelessykdommer (LMF), Seglaveien 80, ...
- 1.0.16 What IBD support organizations exist in South Africa?
- Contact the South African Crohn's & Colitis Association, P.O. Box 2638, ...
- 1.0.17 What IBD support organizations exist in Spain?
- Asociacion de Enfermos de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa (ACCU), Suriname 36, ...
- 1.0.18 What IBD support organizations exist in Sweden?
- Riksforbundet for Mag-och Tarmsjuka (RMT), Box 20054, 104 60, ...
- 1.0.19 What IBD support organizations exist in Switzerland?
- Schweizerische Morbus Crohn/Colitis Ulcerosa Vereinigung (SMCCV), ...
- 1.0.20 What IBD support organizations exist in Zimbabwe?
- Contact Zimbabwe Association for Colitis & Crohn's Disease, 2 Montclaire ...
- 1.1.1 What organizations are there for people with colostomies or ileostomies?
- If you've had a colostomy or ileostomy, tremendous support is ...
- 1.1.2 What organizations are there for people using tube or intravenous feeding?
- For people living with home parenteral and/or enteral nutrition (tube or ...
- 1.1.3 Hey, I thought this newsgroup was for people with IBS too! How about a support organization for us?
- People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome can join the International ...
- 2.0 Are there any other places on-line that I can find out more about IBD and IBS?
- Plenty. A computer and a modem are among the most valuable ...
- 2.1 Are there any Web sites I should check out?
- Plenty. So many, in fact, that I doubt I'll ever be able to list them ...
- 2.2 Are there other sources of information here on the Internet?
- is a newsgroup for all people with ostomies. ...
- 2.3 Is there help on the commercial on-line service Prodigy?
- On Prodigy there's a lively support group for people with IBD ...
- 2.4 Is there a support group on the commercial on-line service America On-Line (AOL)?
- Yes, and the instructions for accessing it are as follows: 1) Go to ...
- 2.5 How about if I want to do some serious research about IBD, IBS or other illnesses?
- MEDLINE is your best bet. There are a few Websites at this point that offer ...
- 3.0 I want to read as much as I can about this illness. Have any books been written on the subject of IBD or IBS?
- Here's a list of books written on one or the other or both ...
- 3.0 IBD and IBS books #2
- The Angry Gut- Coping with Colitis & Crohn's Disease, W. ...
- 3.0 IBD and IBS books #3
- Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis, Dr. Fred Saibil, M.D, ...
- 3.0 IBD and IBS books #4
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Guide for Patients & Their Families, ...
- 3.0 IBD and IBS books #5
- 3.0 IBD and IBS books #6
- Indigestion- Living Better with Upper Intestinal Problems ...
- 3.0 IBD and IBS books #7
- The Self-help Way to Treat Colitis and other IBS Conditions, De Lamar ...
- 3.1 Are there other useful books out there about coping with chronic illness? #2
- Lupus- Living With It: You Don't Have to Be Healthy to Be Happy, Suzy Szasz....
- 3.1 Are there other useful books out there about coping with chronic illness? #2
- Lupus- Living With It: You Don't Have to Be Healthy to Be Happy, Suzy Szasz....
- 3.2 What about general medicine books that people with these conditions might find useful?
- Prescription for Nutritional Healing-A Practical A-Z Reference to Drug-...