Explanation of the pathologist's report on biopsies, aimed at the educated layperson.
The Biopsy Report: A Patient's Guide was compiled and written by Ed Uthman, MD (uthman@neosoft.com).
Note: Please send all constructive comments regarding this FAQ to Ed Uthman, MD (uthman@neosoft.com).
This article is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, the author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from use of the information herein.
Copyright (c) 1994-96, Edward O. Uthman. This material may be reformatted and/or freely distributed via online services or other media, as long as it is not substantively altered. Authors, educators, and others are welcome to use any ideas presented herein, but I would ask for acknowledgment in any published work derived therefrom.
version 1.2U, 11/12/97