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Impotence Glossary


This article is from the Health Articles series.

Impotence Glossary

Endocrinologist (EN-do-kri-nol'-o-jist): A medical doctor with advanced training in disorders of the internal (endocrine) glands, including diabetes.

Erectile Dysfunction (e-rek-tile dis-funk-shun): Inability to reach a firm erection or to keep it long enough for sexual intercourse. Used to be called "impotence."

Estrogen (ES-tro-jen): The main sex hormone in women. Small amounts are also found in men.

Impotence (im-po-tense): Inability to reach a firm erection or keep it long enough for sexual intercourse. Now referred to as "erectile dysfunction."

Prolactin (pro-lak-tin): A hormone produced by the pituitary gland.

Prostheses (pros-thee-sees): Artificial parts that help restore a natural body function.

Psychiatrist (si-ki-a-trist): A medical doctor who specializes in the study, treatment and prevention of emotional disorders.

Psychologist (si-kol-o-jist): A person trained in methods of psychological analysis and counselling.

Testosterone (tes-tos-te-rone): The main male sex hormone. Small amounts are also found in women.

Urologist (u-rol-o-jist): A medical doctor who specializes in conditions of the genital tract in men and the urinary tract in men and women.

Vascular (vas-cue-lar): Relating to the blood vessels.


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