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What to Expect from Craniosacral Therapy?


This article is from the Alternative Medicine Therapies guide.

What to Expect from Craniosacral Therapy?

In a typical session, the practitioner will ask the patient, who may be clothed or wearing a gown, to lie face up or down on a specially designed table. Lightly laying hands on various parts of the body, particularly the skull, the spine, and the pelvis, the practitioner "palpates," or feels, each area, sensing movement and looking for fluctuations in the cranial rhythmic impulse.

The practitioner then manipulates the bones and soft tissue to clear blockages and correct the flow of cerebrospinal fluid so it is smooth and even. A session usually lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. Some minor health problems, such as tension headache, may be resolved in one session. More complex conditions, such as migraines and chronic sinusitis, usually require several weekly sessions.


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