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How To Choose a Bio Feedback Therapy Practitioner and Cautions


This article is from the Alternative Medicine Therapies guide.

How To Choose a Bio Feedback Therapy Practitioner and Cautions

Most biofeedback therapists are licensed physicians, clinical psychologists, or other healthcare professionals who have taken special training in this technique. The Biofeedback Certification Institute of America in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, provides the major certification program for biofeedback practitioners. Look for a therapist who has experience treating the particular problem for which you are seeking help, and choose someone you feel comfortable with. Remember that the success of the treatment will depend in part on the level of trust you are able to develop with your therapist. Your primary-care physician also may be able to give you a referral to a biofeedback therapist. Many health insurance palns now provide partial coverage for biofeedback therapy.

Bio Feedback Therapy: Cautions

  • If you wear a pacemaker or have a serious heart disorder, consult your doctor before undertaking biofeedback.
  • Biofeedback can help people with diabetes control their circulation but it could also change the need for insulin and other medicines. Be sure to monitor blood sugar carefully if you are using this therapy.
  • Biofeedback devices sold for home use vary widely in quality. Ask a physician or biofeedback therapist for advice about a good brand before making a purchase.


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