This article is from the Pinball FAQ, by Andy Oakland with numerous contributions by others.
The following sources have been used and recommended by a variety of people
on the net. (I've used several of them myself) For many more sources,
read the ads in the periodicals recommended in part one of the FAQ.
Most of these sources sell parts and do board repair by mail; my
division by location below is mostly for convenience.
US, Nationwide:
Betson is a major Williams/Bally distributor, and sells parts for most
current arcade games and vending machines. Reputed to be a little expensive.
Also sells machines to home owners. Branches all over: Pittsburgh, PA;
Los Angeles, CA [(800) 824-6596]; Milford, CT [(203) 878-6966];
New Hyde Park, NY; Philadelphia, PA; San Francisco, CA; Phoenix, AZ;
Main office, Carlstadt, NJ: (800) 524-2343.
URL: " "
After going out of business for a few months in 1996, and being bought
(inventory and all) by a new owner, WICO is back in business again.
WICO is a reliable source of parts for all sorts of coin-op machines,
but a little expensive. (800) 367-9426.
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