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12 General Books (Pinball)

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This article is from the Pinball FAQ, by Andy Oakland sao@REMOVETOREPLY.mit.edu with numerous contributions by others.

12 General Books (Pinball)

The following books are recommended for pinball fanatics:

"Pinball--The Lure of the Silver Ball," Gary Flower and Bill Kurtz,
Chartwell Books. General overview of pinball history, from EM's to solid
states. Color hardcover, great pictures. ISBN 1-55521-322-7.

"Pinball 1," Richard Bueschel. History of early games, guide to rating
condition of games, descriptions and photos of many pre-1960 machines.
Emphasis on EM or pre-electric machines. B/W softcover. ISBN 0-86667-047-5.

"Pinball Art," Keith Temple, H.C. Blossom Publishers. History of pinball,
focussing on backglass art. Absolutely gorgeous pictures. Includes a list
of pinball artists and their machines, and a "notoriously inaccurate"
(according to David Marston) list of pinball milestones. ISBN 1-872532-10-1.

"Pinball," Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 1992, originally published in German by V.I.P.
Reprinted in the US by Chartwell Books and in the UK by Tiger Books.
General (though not completely accurate) overview of pinball
history, from 1930's to present. Hardcover, 80 pages, mostly pictures
without explanation. Includes German games from the 30's and woodrails
from the 40's to 50's. ISBN 0-7858-0071-9.

Most of the books listed above are out-of-print and can't be found at your
local bookstore. However, the following people sell them by mail:

AMR Publishing, though they specialize in jukeboxes, sell schematics
and service manuals for an odd collection of older pinball machines,
as well as many of the "coffee table" pinball books listed above.
Box 3007, Arlington, WA, 98223. (206) 659-6434.

Harold Balde (kingpin@astral.magic.ca) has a stock of "Pinball," (US $20)
"Pinball Art," (US $50) and "Lure of the Silver Ball" (US 12.95 for second
edition and $50 for first edition) for sale, as well as other books and
videos on jukeboxes and slot machines.

Mayfair Amusements (see listing below, under parts sources) sells
some manuals and books.

Also, Rick Botts of Jukebox Collector Magazine, is rumored to carry
some books. (515) 265-8324.

Larry Bieza puts out an annual "Pinball Price Guide," listing price ranges
and guidelines for estimating value for Gottlieb, Williams and Bally machines
from Humpty Dumpty up to the early 1980's. $18.00 from 1446 Albany Ave,
St Paul MN, 55108. Email: larrpin@aol.com.

Bridging the worlds of print and electonic media comes "Coin-Op on CD,"
a multi-media CD-ROM stuffed full of articles, pictures, and three dozen
AVI movies of vintage arcade machines in action. $39.95 (+ $5 Shipping)
" http://members.aol.com/vintslots/index.html ",
Vintage Slots of Colorado, Inc. Box 1121, Broomfield CO 80020


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