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6.8.1 - Secret of Mana: Mana weapons without Mana magic

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This article is from the Final-Fantasy and other Square Soft Games FAQ, by nickzman@eskimo.com (Nick Zitzmann) with numerous contributions by others.

6.8.1 - Secret of Mana: Mana weapons without Mana magic

Mana magic, obtained near the end of the game, temporarily increases the
level of the sword weapon. It's supposedly needed in order to change the
Dragon Buster (level 8 sword) into the Mana Sword (level 9 sword), for
use during the game's final encounter.

You can find level 9 weapon orbs for every weapon in the game - except
for the sword - in random encounters inside the Mana Fortress. (Square
made it so that the Dragon Buster could not easily be turned into the
Mana Sword, since doing so would make the game's last encounter much

There is, however, a cheat which allows you to get a ninth sword orb:

1. When you get to the Ice Forest, go to Neko's and save the game.

2. Reset the SNES & start a new game. After the text in the Mantis Ant's
domain is displayed; press & hold L, R, Select, and Start.

3. The game should reset. Load your previously saved game, and defeat
the Mantis Ant. You'll receive the ninth orb for your sword. The Mana
Sword will soon be yours, hero!

(Note: Your mileage may vary when using this trick.)


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previous page: 6.7.4 - Chrono Trigger: The Super Secret ROM file (PSX versions only)
page up: Final-Fantasy and other Square Soft Games FAQ
next page: 6.9.1 - Secret of Evermore: Unlimited stamina