
previous page: 5.4 Vegetarian Periodicals
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6.0 Animal Rights Organizations


This article is from the Vegetarianism FAQ, by traub@mistral.co.uk (Michael Traub) with numerous contributions by others.

6.0 Animal Rights Organizations

Humane Society of the U.S.
2100 L Lt., N.W., Washington DC 20037 (USA)
Posters against animal research available.

FARM (Farm Animal Reform Movement)
Box 30654
Bethesda MD 20824
Phone: 800-MEATOUT
e-mail: farmusa@erols.com
web: http://envirolink.org/arrs/farm
publishes quarterly newsletter and informational handouts.

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
P.O. Box 42516, Washington, DC 20015 (USA)
publishes "Cruelty-free Shopping Guide" and informational

National Anti-Vivisection Society
53 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1550, Chicago, IL 60604 (USA)
Free Cruelty-free products listing.

Also check the animal rights FAQ available from:

or from Donald Graft on dgraft@gate.net


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