This article is from the 20th Century Appetizer Recipes, with numerous contributions by famous and also anonymous cooks
Shrimp 8 oz Pace Picante Sauce
8 oz Bottled Italian dressing
Cook peeled and deveined shrimp in boiling water just 'til they turn pink (watch closely-overcooking makes shrimp tough characters). Drain and place in a bowl. Pour Pace and Italian dressing over hot shrimp, mixing well. Cover and chill at least 2 or up to 24 hours, stirring occasionally. In another bowl, chill crisp-tender cooked broccoli florets and uncooked cherry tomatoes in equal parts of Pace Picante Sauce and Italian dressing, stirring occasionally. Just before serving, drain and arrange shrimp, broccoli florets and tomatoes on short, thin skewers or long cocktail picks. Arrange on a lettuce-lined platter to serve.
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