TeleVision Receive Only Satellite-TV FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about TeleVision Receive Only Satellite-TV systems
This FAQ about TeleVision Receive Only Satellite-TV was compiled
and written byTVRO Hobbyists with numerous
contributions by others.
01 What is TVRO?- TVRO is an acronym that stands for TeleVision Receive Only. ...
02 How did satellite TV begin?- In 1945, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke envisioned ...
03 How exactly are satellite signals transmitted?- Satellite transmissions start with the uplink signal, which ...
04 What frequencies and/or bands are used for TVRO satellitetransmissions?- Satellite transmissions can be received from two different bands:...
05 Who is likely to be a prospective big dish system owner?- The prospective big dish system owner is primarily the person ...
06 Okay, now I know a bit about BUD systems. But those minidishsatellite systems are fairly cheap and simple. What about DBS?- DBS, or direct broadcast satellite, is a relatively recent ...
07 About how much might it cost to put a system together?- A home TVRO system once cost as much as $100,000 in 1980! Prices ...
08 Exactly what equipment do I need?- There are six basic components to a big dish system: the ...
09 Okay, I have my equipment. How do I get my TVRO satellite systeminstalled?- Easy. Have someone else do it. Pay them lots of money, sit back ...
10 Okay, I now have my satellite system working. How do I connectmore than one TV and receiver to it?- There are two main options for a multiple TV setup. You can ...
11 All the hype these days is about HDTV. Can I view HDTV signalswith my BUD system?- Absolutely, yes! For those that haven't yet heard, ...
12 What Programming is Available on BUDs?- In a single word, LOTS! More than any DBS system can shake a ...
13 What about the broadcast networks? Can I get them with my big dish system?- Yes. But keep in mind that they are probably going to be distant ...
14 What are the requirements for subscribing to the networks?- Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999 (the
15 What are these "raw feeds" and backhauls that I always hear about?
16 How do I access all this programming?- Simple. Turn on your television set, get the remote control,...
17 Are ALL channels freely available for watching? What is encryption?- Not all channels are available for home viewing. Channels that are ...
18 How do I tune audio?- Audio tuning is not too difficult. The audio portion of a ...
19 There is so much programming! How do I keep track of it all? Arethere program guides available?- There IS a giant variety of standard programming available to big ...
20 Who provides subscription programming and about how much might itcost me?- It must be noted that there are far fewer providers of C-Band/...
21 What Television Broadcast Standards are compatible with BUDs?- All television distribution uses some set of technological ...
22 What Compression Schemes are used with BUDs?- Digital compression allows for more than one video and/or ...
23 What Encryption Methods are used with BUDs?- The type of encryption depends on whether the transmission is ...
24 A Word About 4:2:2 Screen Pixel Ratio- Most DVB/MPEG-2 receivers receive what is called 4:2:0 screen ...
25 Are there any hobbies related to owning a big dish system?- Absolutely! Having a big dish system means more than just standard ...
26 How does the environment affect my big dish system?- Environmental factors are certainly an issue concerning your big ...
27 Can Zoning Ordinances or Homeowner Associations prevent me fromInstalling a TVRO System?- Whoa, Nellie! We'll tackle each part of this question separately ...
28 What is the Future for TVRO?- It seems as though consumer TVRO is at a critical crossroads. In ...
29 Where Can I get More Information or Help with my TVRO System?- Here are some additional resources for TVRO information:...
30 Glossary: A-C- Addressability: Remote-control function of equipment that allows ...
31 Glossary: D-F- DBS (Direct Broadcast Satellite): A class of satellite service ...
32 Glossary: G-S- Geostationary (Geosynchronous): Refers to a satellite's orbit which ...
33 Glossary: T-V- Transponder: Electronic package aboard a telecommunications ...
34 Sources Cited- 1. History of Satellite TV-