
previous page: 4.2 How does speaker sensitivity affect real world SPL? Will a higher sensitivity give me a larger SPL? [MS]
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next page: 4.4 Which enclosure type is right for me? [IDB, DK]

4.3 What are the enclosure types available? [JLD, JG]


This article is from the Car Audio FAQ, by Ian D. Bjorhovde (ianbjor@mobileaudio.com) with numerous contributions by others.

4.3 What are the enclosure types available? [JLD, JG]

Only the order of the enclosure itself is shown here. The addition of
a crossover network increases the order of the system by the order of
the crossover. Example: If a First-Order, 6dB/Oct. crossover (single
inductor in series with the speaker) is used with a Fourth Order
enclosure, the total system is a fifth order. Note: Air volumes and
ratios shown here may not be to scale. This is designed to provide
order information only.

                            First Order
                            Infinite-Baffle or Free-Air

      Second Order                        Second Order
      Acoustic- or Air-Suspension         Isobaric* Acoustic-Suspension
      or Sealed                           (Compound Loaded)
       _______________________             _______________________
      |                       |           |                  _____|
      |                      /            |                 /    /
      |                     /             |                /    /
      |                   ||              |              ||   ||
      |                   ||              |              ||   ||
      |                     \             |                \    \
      |                      \            |                 \____\
      |_______________________|           |_______________________|

      Fourth Order            Fourth Order            Fourth Order
      Bass-Reflex or          Passive Radiator        Isobaric*
      Vented or Ported        Bass-Reflex             Bass-Reflex
       _______________         _______________         _______________
      |               |       |               |       |          ____ |
      |              /        |              /        |         /    /
      |             /         |             /         |        /    /
      |           ||          |           ||          |      ||   ||
      |           ||          |           ||          |      ||   ||
      |             \         |             \         |        \    \
      |              \        |              \        |         \____\
      |               |       |               |       |               |
      |               |       |              /        |               |
      |               |       |             /         |               |
      |           ____|       |            |          |           ____|
      |                       |            |          |
      |           ____        |             \         |           ____
      |               |       |              \        |               |
      |_______________|       |_______________|       |_______________|

      Fourth Order                    Fourth Order
      Single-Reflex Bandpass          Isobaric* Single-Reflex Bandpass
       _________________    ____      _______________________    ____
      |         |       |  |    |    |               |       |  |    |
      |        /        |  |    |    |              / \      |  |    |
      |       /                 |    |             /   \             |
      |     ||                  |    |           ||     ||           |
      |     ||                  |    |           ||     ||           |
      |       \                 |    |             \   /             |
      |        \                |    |              \ /              |
      |_________|_______________|    |_______________|_______________|

      Fourth Order                      Fourth Order
      Three Chamber                     Three Chamber Isobaric*
      Single-Reflex Bandpass            Single-Reflex Bandpass
       ____________   ____________      ______________   ______________
      |      |     | |     |      |    |       |      | |      |       |
      |     /      | |      \     |    |      / \     | |     / \      |
      |    /                 \    |    |     /   \           /   \     |
      |  ||                   ||  |    |   ||     ||       ||     ||   |
      |  ||                   ||  |    |   ||     ||       ||     ||   |
      |    \                 /    |    |     \   /           \   /     |
      |     \               /     |    |      \ /             \ /      |
      |______|_____________|______|    |_______|_______________|_______|

      Fifth Order = Fourth Order Enclosure + First Order Crossover
                  = Third Order Enclosure + Second Order Crossover, etc.

      Sixth Order                        Sixth Order
      Dual-Reflex Bandpass               Isobaric* Dual-Reflex Bandpass
       ____    _____________    ____      ____    ____________    ____
      |    |  |       |     |  |    |    |    |  |      |     |  |    |
      |    |  |      /      |  |    |    |    |  |     / \    |  |    |
      |    |  |     /               |    |    |  |    /   \           |
      |           ||                |    |          ||     ||         |
      |           ||                |    |          ||     ||         |
      |             \               |    |            \   /           |
      |              \              |    |             \ /            |
      |_______________|_____________|    |______________|_____________|

      Sixth Order
      Three Chamber                        Quasi-Sixth Order
      Dual-Reflex Bandpass                 Series-Tuned Bandpass
       _    _________   _________    _      _________________    ____
      | |  |   |     | |     |   |  | |    |           |     |  |    |
      | |  |  /      | |      \  |  | |    |          /      |  |    |
      |      /                 \      |    |         /               |
      |    ||                   ||    |    |       ||                |
      |    ||                   ||    |    |       ||                |
      |      \                 /      |    |         \               |
      |       \               /       |    |          \              |
      |________|_____________|________|    |       ____|             |
                                           |                         |
                                           |       ____              |
                                           |           |             |

Seventh Order = Sixth Order Enclosure + First Order Crossover, etc.

      Quasi-Eighth Order
      Series-Tuned Dual-Reflex          Eighth Order
      Bandpass                          Triple-Reflex Bandpass
       _    _______________    _         ____________    _____________
      | |  |        |      |  | |       |            |  |             |
      | |  |       /       |  | |       |            |  |             |
      |           /             |       |                             |
      |         ||              |       |                             |
      |         ||              |       |                             |
      |           \             |       |____    _____________    ____|
      |            \            |       |    |  |      |      |  |    |
      |         ____|           |       |    |  |     /       |  |    |
      |                         |       |            /                |
      |         ____            |       |          ||                 |
      |_____________|___________|       |          ||                 |
                                        |            \                |
                                        |             \               |

* Isobaric or Coupled Pair (Iso-group) Variations:

A variety of configurations may be used in the isobaric loading
of any order enclosure. Physical and acoustic restrictions may
make one loading configuration preferable to another in a
particular enclosure.

      Composite or Push-Pull                  Compound or Piggy-Back
      or Face-to-Face Loading                 or Tunnel Loading
       _________________                 ___________________________
      |                 |               |                       ____|
      |                / \              |                      /   /
      |               /   \             |                     /   /
      |         >>> ||     || >>>       |               >>> ||  || >>>
      |         >>> ||     || >>>       |               >>> ||  || >>>
      |               \   /             |                     \   \
      |                \ /              |                      \___\
      |_________________|               |___________________________|

      Back-to-Back Loading                    Planar Loading
       _________________________         ___________________________
      |                _________|       |                        |  |
      |                \       /        |                       /   |
      |                 \     /         |                      /    |
      |              >>> || || >>>      |                    || >>> |
      |              >>> || || >>>      |                    || >>> |
      |                 /     \         |                      \    |
      |                /_______\        |                       \   |
      |_________________________|       |________________________|  |
                                                                 |  |
                                                                /   |
                                                               /    |
                                                             || <<< |
                                                             || <<< |
                                                               \    |
      >>> indicates direction of                                \   |
      >>> simultaneous cone movement.                            |__|


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previous page: 4.2 How does speaker sensitivity affect real world SPL? Will a higher sensitivity give me a larger SPL? [MS]
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next page: 4.4 Which enclosure type is right for me? [IDB, DK]