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11) Frequently asked questions about computers and life on the internet from members of the King Hall community.


This article is from the King Hall Law School FAQ, by David F. Prenatt, Jr. NetEsq@dcn.davis.ca.us with numerous contributions by others.

11) Frequently asked questions about computers and life on the internet from members of the King Hall community.

The best places to obtain information about computers and life on the
Internet at King Hall are from Computer Specialist Steve Langford
(<mailto:sdlangford@ucdavis.edu >) at (916)752-SLOW, Information
Technology--Campus Access Point (IT-CAP <mailto:ithelp@ucdavis.edu >)
at (916)752-2548, or from the USENET newsgroup ucd.comp.questions
(<news:ucd.comp.questions >); readers with a web browser may visit the
Network Administrator Resources FAQ Page on the World Wide Web
(<http://tsp.ucdavis.edu/nar/NAR-FAQS.html >). If you want to speak
to an IT-CAP consultant, you should be prepared to furnish him or her
with your login id and identification number.


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