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1.3) How is this FAQ organized? (ucd.king-hall)


This article is from the King Hall Law School FAQ, by David F. Prenatt, Jr. NetEsq@dcn.davis.ca.us with numerous contributions by others.

1.3) How is this FAQ organized? (ucd.king-hall)

This version of this FAQ may be arbitrarily divided into unequal parts
where I felt it was convenient to do so. I did this for two reasons.
First, some readers of this FAQ may have specific questions and may
not want to read the entire FAQ. If this version of this FAQ is
comprised of more than one part, the first part will contain the
complete TABLE OF CONTENTS. Thus, readers of this FAQ may refer to
the TABLE OF CONTENTS to find out where to look for the specific
questions that they want answered. Second, some computer services are
unable to handle extremely large computer files. Thus, if this
version of this FAQ is comprised of more than one part, no one part
will exceed 32k. See the TABLE OF CONTENTS in this FAQ more detailed
information about how the contents of this version of this FAQ are
This FAQ uses standard Uniform Resource Locator (URL) references
to accomodate readers with a web browser:

<ftp://[ftp_site]/[directory]/[archive] >
(file transfer protocol)

<gopher://[gopher_address] >
(gopher protocol)

<http://[World_Wide_Web_address] >
(hypertext transfer protocol)

<mailto:[e-mail_account]@[domain] >
(SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

<news:[newsgroup_or_article-number@newserver] >
(NNTP: Network News Tranfer Protocol)

<telnet:[telnet_site] >
(IP: Internet protocol)

These URL references will act as hyptertext links for those using
Netscape to read this FAQ on the USENET.


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