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Sumerian Mythology FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about the pantheon and cosmology of the Sumerians, who lived in what is now southern Iraq over 4000 years ago. Aspects of Sumerian culture are touched upon as are parallels with Biblical stories.

This FAQ about pantheon and cosmology of the Sumerians, who lived in what is now southern Iraq over 4000 years ago was compiled and written by Christopher Siren cbsiren@cisunix.unh.edu with numerous contributions by others.

-01 Sumerian Mythology: History and Overview
Sumer may very well be the first civilization in the world (...
-02 Sumerian Mythology: History
-03 Sumerian Mythology: Culture
-04 Sumerian Mythology: Religion
The religion of the ancient Sumerians has left its mark on ...
-05 What do we know about Sumerian Cosmology?
From verses scattered throughout hymns and myths, one can compile ...
-06 What Deities did they worship? Nammu (Sumerian Mythology)
-07 What Deities did they worship? Ninhursag (Sumerian Mythology)
* Ninhursag (Ki, Ninmah, Nintu)...
-08 What Deities did they worship? Enlil (Sumerian Mythology)
-09 What Deities did they worship? Enki (Sumerian Mythology)
-10 The Annuna (Anunnaki) and others p1 (Sumerian Mythology)
At the next level were fifty great gods, possibly the same as the ...
-11 The Annuna (Anunnaki) and others p2 (Sumerian Mythology)
-12 Demigods, mortal Heroes, and Monsters p1 (Sumerian Mythology)
Dumuzi (demigod) (Tammuz)...
-13 Demigods, mortal Heroes, and Monsters p2 (Sumerian Mythology)
Gilgamesh (demigod)...
-14 Demigods, mortal Heroes, and Monsters p3 (Sumerian Mythology)
-15 Demigods, mortal Heroes, and Monsters p4 (Sumerian Mythology)
Gugalanna (Gugal-ana)...
-16 What about the Underworld? (Sumerian Mythology)
The underworld of the Sumerians is revealed, to some extent, ...
-17 What are "me" anyway? (Sumerian Mythology)
Another important concept in Sumerian theology, was that of me. ...
-18 I've heard that there are a lot of Biblical parallels in Sumerian literature. What are they?
Traces of Sumerian religion survive today and are reflected in ...
-19 Sources (Sumerian Mythology)
Black, Jeremy and Green, Anthony, _Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient ...
-20 Other books of interest (Sumerian Mythology)
Algaze, Guillermo, The Uruk Expansion, Current Anthropology, Dec....

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