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07 Non-Fiction and Research (Robin Hood Booklist)


This article is from the Robin Hood Booklist FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore tittle@io.com with numerous contributions by others.

07 Non-Fiction and Research (Robin Hood Booklist)

Bellamy, John G., Robin Hood : an historical enquiry (Beckenham, Kent
: Croom Helm, [1985]).

Campbell, William W., An historical sketch of Robin Hood and Captain
Kidd (New York, C. Scribner, 1853).

Corcoran, Kelvin, Robin Hood in the dark ages (preface by Tom Raworth,
London ; New York : Permanent Press, 1985).

Fithian, Edward William, The life of Robin Hood, the celebrated
outlaw; comprising an historical account of his birth, famous
exploits, merry speeches, ballads, and gallant behaviour (London,
Nicholson [1900?]).

Gable, J. Harris, Bibliography of Robin Hood (Lincoln, Neb., 1939).

Hargrove, Ely, Anecdotes of archery; from the earliest ages to the
year 1791 (York, Hargrove, 1792). Including an account of the most
famous archers of ancient and modern times; with some curious
particulars in the life of Robert Fitz-Ooth Earl.

Harris, Percy Valentine, The truth about Robin Hood ([6th ed.]. London
[1957]). Evidence of the hero's actual existence.

Hilton, R.H., ed., Peasants, Knights, and Heretics: Studies in
medieval social history, (Cambridge & N.Y.: Cambridge U.P., 1976).
Series: Past and Present Publications.

Holt, J. C. Robin Hood. London : Thames and Hudson, 1982. A very
useful survey of the origins and development of the Robin Hood
stories, with good illustrations and maps. New edition: Robin Hood -
Revised and Enlarged Edition (Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1989;
ISBN 0 500 27541 6).

Keen, Maurice Hugh, The outlaws of medieval legend (Toronto,
University of Toronto Press, 1961, reprinted in 1977).

Knight, S., Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw.
Oxford, Blackwell, 1994. 256pp, 24 b+w illustrations, 1 map.

Malcomson, Ann., ed. Song of Robin Hood. Music arranged by Grace
Castagnetta, designed and illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton. Houghton
Mifflin Co., 1947, printed by The Riverside Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. This is a volume of Robin Hood ballads arranged with
the most "authentic" melodies the compilers had available. But what
really sets the book apart are the incredible, fine black-and-white
line drawings which grace every page in the most ornate profusion.

Matthews, John, Robin Hood - Green Lord of the Wildwood. Gothic Image
Publications. Somerset, 1993. ISBN 0-906362-24-5. It explores the
relation between Robin Hood and the Faery (Puck, Robin Goodfellow),
Herne, the Green Man, the May Day Games, and the Morris Dance.

Miles, Bernard, Robin Hood, his life and legend (Illustrated by Victor
G. Ambrus, Chicago : Rand McNally, 1979). Victor G. Ambrus is an
excellent illustrator. His arms and armour are not always absolutely
right, but are usually pretty good; his heraldry is not always clearly
understood, but then heraldry for the Robin Hood stories is even more
hypothetical than that of the Arthurian tales. His horses are
wonderful. The book is worth having just for the pictures, quite apart
from Lord Myles' rather thoughtful commentary.

Nelson, Malcolm A. (Malcolm Antony), The Robin Hood tradition in the
English renaissance (Salzburg, Inst. f. Engl. Sprache u. Literatur,
Univ. Salzburg, 1973).

Robin Hood: The Man Behind the Myth (1995).

Pringle, Patrick, Stand and Deliver: Highwaymen from Robin Hood to
Dick Turpin Copyright 1991 Dorset Press. ISBN 0-88029-698-4. This is a
very interesting book, but RH is discussed only on pp 13-15.

Schroeck, Robert M. and Peggy, GURPS Robin Hood - Adventures in
Sherwood Forest ... And Beyond. Steve Jackson Games. 1992. ISBN
1-55634-215-2. Although meant in the first place as a manual for
playing a Robin Hood role playing campaign using the GURPS (Generic
Universal RolePlaying System) system, it contains lots of useful
background information on the Robin Hood legend.

Siefker, Phyllis. [8]Santa Claus, Last of the Wild Men. Robin Hood is
included in teh chapter on "Merrie Olde England: From Pagan to Puck."

Stallybrass, Peter. "`Drunk with the Cup of Liberty': Robin Hood, the
Carnivalesque, and the Rhetoric of Violence in Early Modern England."
Semiotica 54, no. 1/2 (1985): 113-145. Reprinted in The Violence of
Rhetoric, edited by Nancy Armstrong and Leonard Tennenhouse. New York:
Routledge, 1990. Here's an interesting account of the politics of
Robin Hood in the sixteenth century.

Walker, John William, The true history of Robin Hood (With illus. by
Ethel W. Walker, [Wakefield] West Yorkshire Print. Co., 1952,


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