This article is from the Robin Hood Booklist FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous contributions by others.
Pease, Howard, _The Gypsy Caravan_ (Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday,
Doran & Company, inc., 1930). Being the merry tale of the travels of
Betty and Joe with the gypsies. Robin Hood is a peripheral character.
Rhead, L. J. (Louis J.), _Bold Robin Hood and his outlaw band_ (New
York, London, Harper & Brothers, 1912).
Roberson, Jennifer, _Lady of the Forest_ (1992). The lady is Marian,
the forest is Sherwood, and Robin is Robert, the son and heir of the
Earl of Huntingdon. Roberson wrote the book using all the characters
for viewpoint (Sheriff, Earl, Robert, Will Scarlet, Marian, etc.)
which while slowing it down in some ways, provided all sorts of
different perspectives on the action, since *everyone's* version is
present. This is set in the times of the Crusades and historical
details are handled pretty well.
Skinner, Eleanor Louise, _Tales and plays of Robin Hood_ (New York,
Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [ s1915]).
Speak, Harold, _Robin Hood of Wakefield_ ([Ossett, H. Speak & J.
Forrester, 1970]).
Stocqueler, J. H. (Joachim Hayward), _The forest queen, Maid Marian. A
story of Robin Hood, and his merry men, in Sherwood Forest_ (London,
Lea [n.d.]).
Sutcliff, Rosemary, _The Chronicles of Robin Hood_. (Oxford University
Press. 1953). Goes as a children's book, but worthwhile reading for an
adult too. A very nice retelling of the Robin Hood legend.
Singer, Marilyn, _Lizzie Silver of Sherwood Forest_ (Illustrated by
Miriam Nerlove, 1st ed. New York : Harper & Row, c1986). Juvenile.
Stone, Eugenia, _Robin Hood's arrow_ (Illustrated by Rafaello Busoni,
Chicago : Follett Publishing Co., c1948).
Storer, Ronald D. K. _Robin Hood_ (Mumbai : Oxford University Press,
Tomolinson, Theresa. _The ForestWife_ (Orchard Books, 1995).
Trease, Geoffrey. _Bows against the Barons_, (Leicester: Brockhampton
1966 (c1934)). Because he was close to university and had very
left-wing leanings (as so many English university types had at that
time) this is a very "socialist" Robin Hood tale.
Vance, Eleanor Graham, _Adventures of Robin Hood_ (Illustrated by Jay
Hyde Barnum, prepared under the supervision of Josette Frank, New
York, Random House, c1953).
Vansittart, Peter, _The death of Robin Hood : a novel_ (London : Owen,
Whitby, Sharon, _The Last of the Greenwood_. (New York, Pyramid
Publications, HBJ. 1975). Romance/Adventure retelling of the Robin
Hood legend, concentrating on Robin's relationships with Marion.
Enjoyable story.
White, T.H., _The Once and Future King_. Includes a longish diversion
in which Wart and Kay meet one "Robin 'ood," though it's explained
that "'ood" is not short for "Hood," but "yer know, 'ood -- like this
'ood we're standin' in."
Williams, Jay, _The good yeomen_ (New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts
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