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04 Modern Fiction (Robin Hood Booklist) part 2


This article is from the Robin Hood Booklist FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore tittle@io.com with numerous contributions by others.

04 Modern Fiction (Robin Hood Booklist) part 2

Green, Simon, _Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves_, (Fantail books. 1991.
ISBN 0-14-090340-2). The novelization of the Kevin Costner Robin Hood

Greenberg, Martin H., ed., _The fantastic adventures of Robin Hood_
(New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Penguin, 1991). A collection of thirteen
short stories by fantasy and speculative writers offering alternative
glimpses of the life and legend of Robin Hood and his merry men. It's
quite funny at times.

Harvey, George Cockburn, ed. and Edwin John Prittie, illus. _Robin
Hood_. (Chicago: John C. Winston Co., 1923.) Black and White
illustrations, with several color ones. All done by Prittie. Large
print edition, so I assume for children. Some unfamiliar words are
noted with asterisk and defined at bottom of page. Example:
hinds=laborers. Book includes an Appendix with info about the real
Robin Hood. This info is in the form of a "quotation from the
abridgment of Ritson's Life of Robin Hoo, as given by Gutch" (345).
Also in the Appendix is the ballad "Robin Hood and Allin'A' Dale."

Hayes, Sarah, _Robin Hood_ (Illustrated by Patrick Benson, 1st
American ed. New York : Henry Holt, 1989).

Heal, Edith, _Robin Hood_. Introduction by Philip Allen, illustrated
by Dan Content. Rand McNally & Co. Windermere Series, copyright 1928,
multiple eidtions printed. This book runs 626 pages and is remarkable
in its emphasis on Robin as a very pious and religious man, in fact a
"monk," who refuses Maid Marian.

Herbertson, Agnes Grozier, _Heroic legends : the stories of St. George
and the dragon, Robin Hood, Richard and Blondel, and other legends_
(Illustrated by Helen Stratton, London: Blackie and Son, 1908).

Holt, James Clarke, _Robin Hood_ (London : Thames and Hudson, c1982,
rev. 1989).

Kluger, Richard, _The Sherrif of Nottingham_ (N.Y.: Viking, 1992, ISBN
0-670-84022-X). A new fictional work which sets the story at the time
of King John, but focuses on the much maligned sheriff of Nottingham.
Kluger has historical notes identifying a historical sheriff of the
period, Philip Mark, and recreates him as a rather sympathetic, if
plodding, character.

Knight, Stephen and Thomas Ohlgren, eds., _Robin Hood and Other Outlaw
Tales_, Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 1996.
The 600-page anthology is now in production and will be published in
Fall 1996. It contains a full range of literary texts including the
ballads, plays, and analogues in Old French and Anglo-Norman. All of
the English works have been re-edited from original materials,
including a new text of "Gamelyn" and two new ballads recently
discovered in the British Library.

Lang, Andrew, ed., _The story of Robin Hood, and other tales of
adventure and battle_ (Illustrated by H. J. Ford, New York : Schocken
Books, 1968).

McKinley, Robin, _The Outlaws of Sherwood_ (1st ed. New York :
Greenwillow Books, c1988). A very nice retelling of the legend. Strong
female characters.

McSpadden, J. Walker, _The Adventures of Robin Hood & His Merry
Outlaws_ (Greenwich House, Crown Publishers, New York. 1984 reprint).
ISBN 0-517-43602-7.

Newboldt, Sir Henry John, ed., _The Greenwood : a Collection of
Literary Readings Related to Robin Hood_ London, Edinburg, T. Nelson,


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