This article is from the Robin Hood Booklist FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous contributions by others.
?, Robin of Sherwood Annual. World International Publishing.
Manchester, 1986. ISBN 0-7235-6758-1. A children's book on Robin of
Sherwood. Out of print.
Bowman, Anne, _The boy foresters : a tale of the days of Robin Hood_
(London ; New York : G. Routledge, [1905]). Juvenile fiction.
Brown, Alice, _Robin Hood's barn_. (New York, Macmillan, 1913).
Bulfinch, Thomas, _The age of chivalry ; or, Legends of King Arthur_
(many editions).
Burgess, Glyn, _Two Medieval Outlaws - Eustace theMonk and Fouke Fitz
Waryn_. (Boydell & Brewer Ltd PO Box 9 Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 3DF).
Carpenter, Richard, _Robin of Sherwood_, (Puffin Books. 1984. ISBN
0-14-031690-6); Carpenter, Richard and Robin May, _Robin of Sherwood
and the Hounds of Lucifer_, (Puffin Books. 1985. ISBN 0-14-031869-0);
Carpenter, Richard and Anthony Horowitz, _Robin of Sherwood: The
Hooded Man_, (Puffin Books. 1986. ISBN 0-14-032058-X); Carpenter,
Richard, _Robin of Sherwood: The Time of the Wolf_, (Puffin Books.
1988. ISBN 0-14-032660-X). _Out of print_. These four books are also
collected in one volume, the omnibus: Carpenter, Richard, with Robin
May and Anthony Horowitz, _The Complete Adventures of Robin of
Sherwood_, (Puffin Books. 1990. ISBN 0-14-034450-0). The books to the
marvellous Robin of Sherwood TV series. 'A magical retelling of the
legend of Robin Hood'. Well written, great characters, gives a good
impression of what it must have been like in mediaeval times, the
mysticism and sorcery fits in, great sense of humour.
Chase, Nicholas. _Locksley_. St. Martins/Marek, New York. 1983. ISBN
0-312-49428-9. A highly improbable and highly entertaining retelling
of the legend as it "might have actually happened." Good reading. Of
interest is to note that 'Nicholas Chase' is a nom de plume for the
brothers Hyde; Anthony (The Red Fox, China Lake, Formosa Straights)
and Christopher (Maxwell's Train, Whisperland, Hard Target and many
others). The opening for the Costner/Robin Hood film appears to have
been inspired by this novel, as well.
Creswick, Paul. N.C. Wyeth, illustrator. _Robin Hood_. Charles
Scribner's Sons, New York. Reprint. Original copyright 1917, Wyeth,
1957. 1984. ISBN 0-684-18162-2. The illustrations alone make this book
worth getting. A nicely told version of the Robin Hood legend.
Doherty, P. C. _The Assassin in the Greenwood_ (1993?), is a telling
of the death of Robin Hood, and how an "under-sheriff" of Nottingham
masqueraded as Robin to discredit him. The book is interesting in that
it has a brief afterword by the author. In it, he claims that Robin
was not a contemporary of Richard I (and John), but of Edward I. He
suggests that Robin was a supporter of Simon de Montfort's revolt
against the king in the mid-13th century and fled to Sherwood forest
after the revolt failed. The plot is not that great, but the setting
is well-rendered (including the tendency to violence that was said to
be common in those days).
Emery, Clayton, _Tales of Robin Hood_ (New York : Baen Pub
Enterprises; distributed by Simon & Schuster, 1988).
Finnemore, John, _The story of Robin Hood and his merry men_ (London,
A. and C. Black, 1917).
Fraser, Antonia, _Robin Hood_ (Illustrated by Rebecca Fraser. [1st
American ed.]. New York, Knopf [c1971]).
Friesner, Esther, _The Sherwood Game_ (Baen Books, Riverdale, NY,
1995. ISBN 0-671-87641-4).
Furlong, Monica, _Robin's Country_ (Knopf, 1995).
Gilbert, Henry, Robin Hood. Wordsworth Classics. Herfordshire, 1994.
ISBN 1-85326-127-0. The book itself dates from 1912 and it shows in
the language. It is a fairly complete Robin Hood story. It has two of
the Little People as Robin's closest friends.
Goldberg, Moses, _The outlaw Robin Hood_ (New Orleans : Anchorage
Press, c1980).
Goldman, James, _Robin and Marian_ (New York, Bantam Books, 1976). The
major portion of this book is Goldman's original screenplay for the
movie , which starred Audrey Hepburn (Maid Marian), Sean Connery
(Robin Hood), Robert Shaw (Sheriff of Nottingham), Nicol Williamson
(Little John), and Richard Harris (King Richard). Also included in the
volume are 3 short essays. 'Where Have All the Heroes Gone?' laments
the lack of heroes with High Principles and Noble Dreams, muses on
heroes grown old--Ulysses, Ben Hogan, Fritz Kreisler--and sets up his
premises/questions: What happened to Robin and Marian after they had
grown old? (not doddering, but fifty-something), and Why do some of
the versions of the myth have Marian killing Robin?. 'What All the
Singing Was About' gives some historical background on the Robin Hood
myth and why it has survived some 700 years and still has the power to
move us. 'Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Screenplays and
Were Afraid to Ask" is his insider's view of writing the screenplay,
selling it, and making the movie.
Godwin, Parke. _Sherwood_. Avon Books, New York. 1992. ISBN
0-380-70995-3. _Robin and the King_, 1993, Avon Books, NY ISBN
0-380-70996-1. Excellent, well thought out story. Placed during the
Norman invasion of 1066. Unusual depth of characterization, you get a
real feel for what the clash between the Saxons and Normans must have
been like. Second book is set in both France, to where Robin has been
exiled but still serves the King, and England.
Green, Roger Lancelyn, _Robin Hood_, (Penguin Books. 1982). A kind of
compilation of various other Robin Hood books (quotations preceed
every chapter).
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