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03 AnthropoMORPHINE (Furry zines)


This article is from the Zoomorphic Publications FAQ, by Felyne32k elyne32k@softhome.net with numerous contributions by others.

03 AnthropoMORPHINE (Furry zines)

{15 July 2001}
Physical Address: Lazy Fox Studios
Northfields, Lower Dicker
Hailsham, East Sussex
BN27 4BZ, England

Web Address: http://www.critter.net/~voop/anthro.html

Editor: Foxy
Email: voop@critter.net

Type: Fanzine

Price: $5 per issue (apart from issue #10, which is $8)
Backissues: Last few issues normally available, either from us, or
Mailbox Books. http://www.critter.net/~voop/available.html
lists back issue availability)

Frequency: Print runs vary from 50-100 copies. Reprints
when neccessary. Can be found at Maibox Books,
some issues at Alleycat Books, also ordered
direct from us.

Subscriptions: Due to irregular publishing schedule, not available.

Size: 64 pages
Format: A4 (8.25x11.25)

Content: Anything Fandom-related
Rating: PG-13. This extends to topless females, but nothing

Submission Guidelines: http://www.critter.net/~voop/guide.html
Compensation: free copies. Ad space available.

Contributors: (last issue) James Donaldson, Andrea Adams, James Birdsall
Flinthoof, Foxy, Maggie Hogarth, Shawntae Howard Ursula Husted
Mary Lai, Brian McPherson, Terrie Smith, Tygger, XianJaguar
Po Shan Cheah, Will Sanborn Lisanne Norman, Forrest
Cyndi Hoffman.


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