David Gemmell FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about David Gemmell's Books.
This FAQ about David Gemmell's Books
was compiled and written by Tony Evanstony@gemmell-mania.org.uk
with numerous contributions by others.
01 Welcome (David Gemmell FAQ)- Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for ...
02 Legal Bits (David Gemmell FAQ)- This document is Copyright (c) 1999-2004 by Tony Evans, all ...
03 What can I find in alt.books.david-gemmell?- The alt.books.david-gemmell newsgroup is a place for David's fans ...
04 What should I post to alt.books.david-gemmell?- Some newsgroups prefer you to keep your conversation ...
05 I can't find alt.books.david-gemmell on my news server, what do I do?- You have several options,...
06 Who is he? (David Gemmell)- David Gemmell was born in London, England, in the summer of 1948....
07 Does he write under other names? (David Gemmell)- David has written a single book (to date) under a name other ...
08 Which books has David written? (David Gemmell)- David has written the following novels, (US titles in square brackets,...
09 What order did he write them in? (David Gemmell)- It's hard to say what order he wrote them, but they were published ...
10 What order do the Drenai books take place in? (David Gemmell)- In terms of Drenai time, this is the historical ordering of the books,...
11 What order should I read the Drenai books in? (David Gemmell)- There are several schools of thought on this matter....
12 What order do the Sipstrassi books take place in? (David Gemmell)- They take place in this order,...
13 What is he currently working on? (David Gemmell)- Current as of 06/01/...
14 Why are his US release so far behind his UK ones? (David Gemmell)- David is a UK author, and initially, his books were not released ...
15 Did David Gemmell write a book called "Lost Crown"? - David wrote Lost Crown as a childrens novel with his daughter ...
16 Why did David Gemmell write "White Knight, Black Swan" under a different author name?- From Grant Cadey (grant_cadey at hotmail.com)...
17 Are there any maps for the Drenai books? (David Gemmell)- The closest thing to an official map of the Drenai world at ...
18 Are there any timelines for any of the books? (David Gemmell)- There are at present no official timelines for any of David's books,...
19 Are the different worlds Gemmell writes about actually all the same?- James Jones wrote this on one of the David Gemmell mailing lists,...
20 Is Druss related to Rek? How does Tenaka fit in? (David Gemmell)- Dale Rippke writes,...
21 Are there any web resources? (David Gemmell)- There is one David Gemmell webring, hosted here,...
22 Are there any other usenet resources? (David Gemmell)- Yes, alt.books.david-gemmell exists to discuss David and his work....
23 Are there any mailing lists devoted to David Gemmell's work?- Yes, the Gemmell Fantasy list is dedicated to David and his work....
24 How do I contact David Gemmell?- You can contact David through his publishers. When doing so, ...
25 Credits (David Gemmell FAQ)- Thanks to,