
previous page: 09 What about their cosmology? (Divine geography) (Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology)
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10 Source material (Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology)


This article is from the Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology FAQ, by Christopher B. Siren cbsiren@hopper.unh.edu with numerous contributions by others.

10 Source material (Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology)

Aubet, Maria E. _The_Phoenicians_and_the_West_, Cambridge University
Press, New York, 1987, 1993.
Bonnefoy, Yves (compiler) _Mythologies_Volume_One_, The University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, 1991.
John C.L. Gibson _Canaanite_Myths_and_Legends_, T & T Clark Ltd.,
Edinburgh, 1977.
S.H.Hooke _Middle_Eastern_Mythology_ , Penguin Books, New York,1963.
Moscati, Sabatino, _The_World_of_the_Phoenicians_, Frederick A. Praeger,
Publishers, New York, 1968.
_Ancient_Near_Eastern_Texts_Relating_to_the_Old_Testament_, ed. James
Prichard, Princeton University Press, Princetion, 1955.
Sykes, Edgerton _Who's_Who_in_Non-Classical_Mythology_, Oxford University
Press, New York 1993.


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