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24 Locksmithing: What is a jiggler key?


This article is from the Locksmithing FAQ, by Joe "Spike" Ilacqua spike@indra.com and Henry Schaffer hes@ncsu.edu, major data collection effort by Scott Anguish sanguish@digifix.com with numerous contributions by others.

24 Locksmithing: What is a jiggler key?

A thin piece of metal cut in the general shape of a key, the jiggler
slips into the keyway of many locks and most car locks. The jigglers
in the set come with a variety of general cuts that vaguely resemble
cuts on keys. A jiggler is slipped into the lock and moved around,
much as using a rake type pick, until the lock opens. If one jiggler
does not work then the next one in the set is tried. Probability of
success depends on the skill of the user and on luck.


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