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22 Locksmithing: What is a code? What is a codebook?


This article is from the Locksmithing FAQ, by Joe "Spike" Ilacqua spike@indra.com and Henry Schaffer hes@ncsu.edu, major data collection effort by Scott Anguish sanguish@digifix.com with numerous contributions by others.

22 Locksmithing: What is a code? What is a codebook?

Ever see a lock on a desk, filling cabinet, or a key with a number
stamped on it like FR332, 2H5212, or 61624? Those are called codes.
They tell locksmiths exactly how to cut a key to fit the lock. There
are three types of codes.

There are direct digit codes. Each digit corresponds to each cut on
the key, the value of each digit tell how deep to make the cut.
Schlage prints the code for the key directly on the key. These codes
are usually long, each pin needs its own digit.

The second type in which each digit does not directly correspond to
the depth, but there is a pattern between the code and the key. Often
mathematical tricks are used (for example you must subtract 435 from the
code, then cut the key).

The last type require a locksmith to have a codebook. There is no
pattern to the cuts on the keys. The Reed Codebooks are one of the
most common. There are 14 general volumes (cars, cabinet, suit
cases, door locks) and 5 padlock volumes. Each volume is about 600
pages long. Several manufactures now selling computer programs that
contain all this information. The software is often copy-protected.

Here's information on several products - all have demo disks. Note that
features differ, and so different programs may appeal to different users.
+ Blackhawk Products: DOS version $399, Windows version $479,
copy-protected by use of a hardware key.
o Blackhawk has a full code program on the Internet.
Passwords are provided by subscription. There is a
fully-working demo, and some other information.
+ HPC: DOS version phased out; Windows version now being sold.
Suggested list price $695. Disk-based copy protection on the
DOS version. (Windows version - ?)
+ Locksmith Ledger: DOS version only, $699.95. No copy
+ Genericode - "Reeds Codes" on disk.
+ Treskat: DOS version only, $498 or less. Disk-based copy
protection. (There have been many complaints on the net about
Treskat's customer service, especially when a customer calls
about problems with the copy protection.)


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