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16 How do I learn more about Master Keying?


This article is from the Locksmithing FAQ, by Joe "Spike" Ilacqua spike@indra.com and Henry Schaffer hes@ncsu.edu, major data collection effort by Scott Anguish sanguish@digifix.com with numerous contributions by others.

16 How do I learn more about Master Keying?

Here are some references:

The Manual of Master Keying, by G.L. Finch available from The National
Locksmith and from his son.

Gerry Finch was highly regarded as a technical writer on locksmithing.

Info, Sales & Support: glfinch@ix.netcom.com

Fundamentals of Master Keying, by Jerome Andrews available from ALOA

Master Keying by the Numbers, by Billy Edwards available from Security


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