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3d.5 What are some of the risks of the HiB vaccine?


This article is from the Childhood Vaccinations FAQ, by Lynn Gazis-Sax lynng@alsirat.com with numerous contributions by others.

3d.5 What are some of the risks of the HiB vaccine?

In a study of 401 infants, fever occurred in 2%, and redness, warmth,
or swelling in 3.3%. All adverse reactions were infrequent and
transient. (PDR) The Institute of Medicine reported in 1994 that
evidence favored rejection of a causal relationship between early
onset HiB disease and conjugate vaccines, but favored acceptance of a
causal relationship between early onset disease in children 18 months
old or more whose first vaccination was with unconjugated PRP
vaccine. [MMWR 45(No. RR-12), 1996]


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