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06 Old Wives Tales:


This article is from the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome FAQ, by David Stokes stokesd@cerf.net and Margaret D. Gibbs gibbsm@no_spam.poppyware.com with numerous contributions by others.

06 Old Wives Tales:

Many old wives tales, superstitions, and just plain stupidity abound
about SIDS. From chiropractors claiming 'stress on the atlas while
transversing the birth canal' to stories about suffocation from the
ammonia in urine, SIDS has suffered from the ignorant. When
confronted by a self-appointed expert, be sure to compare the supposed
theory to the facts: Why the peak at about four months? Why more
boys? Why more often during the winter?

Articles and reports about SIDS often appear in the news media.
Periodically such reports imply that "the cause" has been discovered.
It is important to restate that SIDS continues to be an unsolved
problem. Even with current scientific knowledge, SIDS victims cannot
be identified beforehand.


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