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2.2 Other Resources (Records Management)


This article is from the Records Management FAQ, by Bryan Carbonnell mbrmfaq@geocities.com and Douglas Johnson johnson_d@ohm.com with numerous contributions by others.

2.2 Other Resources (Records Management)

This is a list of professional organizations, whether they be
international, national or provincial/state. I will try to
continually update this document in order to list as many resources as
possible. If you have information you think would be helpful to others
you may send it to me, and I will add it to this document. Remember
that we're talking to everyone in the world' and while information on
an upcoming event in your town may be perfect material for a post
entitled Great Event happening in MyTown, USA', it doesn't go into the
FAQ since what's in here should be broad enough to affect most
readers. The notable exception is the listing of local records
management associations. My goal here, which is a continuation of Doug
Johnson's, is to provide some sort of directory listing for every
state in America, every province in Canada *and* every country in the
world. Please send me; mbrmfaq@geocities.com, the information to fill
out this list.


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