This article is from the The Complete Guide To Hack Stand-Up Comedy, by Steven Rosenthal and Steve Silberberg ( with numerous contributions by others.
When a hack comes to a new city on tour, most of their 'new' jokes about
the city will have been done to death. You can be pretty sure that at least
one comedian in Dallas, at some point in their illustrious career, will
have noticed that Reunion Tower (already nicknamed the Dallas Phallus)
looks like a penis.
American comics visiting the UK find it necessary to do Sean Connery
impressions. Everyone in Scotland can do a Sean Connery impression, and
might even make a joke in the process, which most visiting comics don't
bother to do.
You don't have to shy away from doing a truly original take on some aspect
of a new city, but the obvious stuff has been done much better by the
locals than you can imagine.
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