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004. Assistance Dogs


This article is from the Service Dogs FAQ, posted to rec.pets.dogs newsgroup. Maintained by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous contributions by others.

004. Assistance Dogs

Here is a large and varied category of dogs who assist their owners in ways other than the traditional guide dogs or hearing dogs do. These dogs might help pick things up, open and close doors, pull wheelchairs, and dozens of other physical assistance tasks.


Assistance Dog Providers in the United States by Carla Stiverson & Norm Pritchett.

Pflaumer, Sharon Seizure-alert dogs Dog World 77(l): 42-43, January 1992 The article says you can contact Reina Berner, The Epilepsy Institute, 67 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003 where a program of seizure -alerting dogs is being developed.


Assistance Dogs International See below

Canine Companions for Independence See below

Canine Helpers for the Handicapped Inc Beverly Underwood, 5705 Ridge Rd, Lockport, NY 14094. (716)433-4035, voice/tty

Canine Working Companions, Inc Pat McNamara, Director, RD 2 Box 170. Gorton Lake Road. Waterville, NY 13480. (315)861-7770 voice/tdd

East Coast Assistance Dogs West Granby CT; ECAD1@aol.com

Independence Dogs, Inc. 146 State Line Road, Chadds Ford, PA 19317. 610-358-2723 Phone; 610-358-5314 Fax; idi@ndepot.com

National Eduction for Assistance Dog Service (NEADS) See below


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