This article is from the Hiking/Backpacking With Canines, by Terri Watson with numerous contributions by others.
Hiking, camping and backpacking are, like many other recreations,
potentially dangerous activities. The author of this document is not
an instructor or an authority in any of these areas, or in veterinary
science or in the area of dog training in general. You are responsible
for the health, welfare and actions of your canine companion. This
document is the author's attempt to pass on to the interested reader
some tidbits gathered from her personal experience as well as items
heard repeatedly from others, not all of which has she experienced
firsthand. In other words, some of the content in this document is
strictly hearsay. You should always check with your veterinarian
and/or other experts when you are beyond your own area of expertise.
The author assumes no responsibility for the use of information
contained within this document.
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