American Kennel Club FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about American Kennel Club
This is American Kennel Club FAQ, written by Cindy Tittle Moore with contributions by others.
There are many FAQ's available for this group. For a complete
listing of these, get the "Complete List of RPD FAQs". This article
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This article is Copyright 1997 by Cindy Tittle Moore
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01 American Kennel Club: Preface- Yes, the AKC is online! They have just opened up a Web page ...
02 American Kennel Club: Showing- When people think of showing, they are usually thinking ...
03 American Kennel Club: Junior Showmanship- Junior showmanship is for children under 18 and over 10 years of age....
04 American Kennel Club: Conformation- When showing a dog in conformation, either you or a ...
05 American Kennel Club: Obedience- Note that obedience trialling has its own FAQ that discusses ...
06 American Kennel Club: Agility- The AKC just approved and implemented AKC Agility tests ...
07 American Kennel Club: Field Trials- Field Trials have been around as long as conformation trials....
08 American Kennel Club: Hunting Tests- The difference between field trials and hunting tests is that ...
09 American Kennel Club: Coonhound Events: Tracking- Tracking tests are actually considered an obedience test rather than ...
10 American Kennel Club: Coonhound Events: Herding- My thanks to Lily Mummert for the information in this section....
11 American Kennel Club: Coonhound Events: Lurecoursing- From information supplied by Bonnie Dalzell, Marcia Cavan, ...
12 American Kennel Club: Earth Dog Trials- The AKC approved Earth Dog Trials (Go-To-Ground) for Terrier ...
13 American Kennel Club: Canine Good Citizen- The AKC sponsors this test. The CGC is not a title, but a certificate....
14 American Kennel Club: Titles- Title
15 American Kennel Club: AKC Member Clubs- Breed
16 American Kennel Club: Contacting the AKC- The AKC's address is 51 Madison, New York, New York, 10010....
17 American Kennel Club: AKC Publications- _The Complete Dog Book_, 18th Edition. Howell Book House, 1994....