This article is from the Cat Resources FAQ, posted to rec.pets.cats newsgroup. Maintained by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous contributions by others.
Other Cats, Stone Street Press, 1 Stone St., S.1., NY 10304 USA (212-447-1436). A handmade boxed set of cat poems and stories from all over the world.
Altman, Roberta. The Quintessential Cat. It's a one-volume encyclopaedia of cat lore, cat facts, health information, and any number of things the curious feline cohabitant would want to know.
Bard, E.M.: The Cat IQ Test. Doubleday, 1980. Gives you various ways to evaluate the intelligence of your cat.
Becker, Suzy: All I Need to Know I Learned from my Cat. Workman Publishing, c1990. Humorous book, illustrated by the author.
Camuti, Dr. Louis J. All My Patients are Under the Bed, with Marilyn and Haskel Frankel; Simon and Schuster, NY ISBN 0-671-55450-6. Entertaining descriptions of a house-call cat veterinarian's experiences.
Caras, Roger. Roger Caras' Treasury of Great Cat Stories. Includes short stories written by many authors, including, Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, Edgar Allan Poe, etc.
Carlson, Delbert G. DVM and James M. Giffin, MD: Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook. Howell Book House, NY ISBN 0-87605-814-4. Emergencies, diseases, biology, medications, symptoms. An excellent home-vet reference for the concerned cat-owner.
Corey, Paul: Do Cats Think?. Castle Publishers, c1977. Deals with cat communication and learning. Debunks many myths: neutered males do not become fat and lazy, a well-fed cat is the best hunter, cats can be trained, and they do give and receive affection.
Dalton, Charlotte. Sparkle's Tidbits of Advice for Cats (and their owners). c1995, Sparkle Enterprises, 6022 Morning Dew Dr., Austin, TX 78749. ISBN 0-9646162-0-3. A humorous book of cat advice written from the cat's perspective. Includes tips on grooming, exerciseing, naming kittens, visiting the vet, staying healthy.
Edney, A.T.B, ed. The Waltham Book of Dog and Cat Nutrition. Second edition. Pergamon Press, 1988. ISBN: 0-08-035729-6 (flexicover).
Fogle, Bruce. The Cat's Mind. Pelham Books, 1991. ISBN 0-7207-1996-8.
Fox, Michael W. Supercat: Raising the Perfect Feline Companion. Topics include cat communication, decoding cat behavior, training your cat, IQ tests.
Frazier, Anitra with Norma Ecktroate. The New Natural Cat: A Complete Guide for Finicky Owners. 1990. Overview of the cat and its habits, strong holistic approach, good recipies.
Holland, Barbara. Secrets of the Cat. Sensible, sensitive and entertaining.
Hollander, Nicole. Everything Here is Mine: Sylvia's Unhelpful Guide to Cat Behavior. A collection of Sylvia comics featuring her cats. Hilarious.
Kliban, B: Cat. Workman Publishing Co., NY, 1975. ISBN 0-911104-54-2. Kliban had an exceptional understanding of cats, and this cartoon book is well worth acquiring.
Loeb, Paul and Josephine Banks: You CAN Train Your Cat. A valuable compendium of information on how to train your cat.
McHattie, Grace. The Cat Lover's Dictionary. Cat owners and lovers will find everything they need to know to maintain the health and happiness of their pet. Thoroughly assesses the characteristics of over 30 breeds, describing ailments and problems and matching cat types with owner life-styles. Color photos.
Moyes, Patricia: How To Talk To Your Cat. Henry Holt Publishing. Includes some folklore but also lots of useful information and suggestions for how to develop a real conversational rapport with your cat.
Mller, Ulrike. The New Cat Handbook, translated from the German Das Neue Katzenbuch by Rita and Robert Kineber; Barron's Educational Series, Inc., NY ISBN 0-8120-2922-4. Sections on: choosing a cat; care & feeding; health; breeding; showing; cat "language" & behavior.
Neff, Nancy A., forward by Roger Caras, paintings by Guy Coheleach. The Big Cats. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1982. ISBN: 0-8109-0710-0. This is a wonderful book, although it may no longer be in print, and is probably expensive if it is. It's a collection of beautiful artwork of big cats, accompanied by scholarly, and well-referenced text.
Neville, Peter. Do Cats Need Shrinks?. Contemporary Books. 1991. ISBN 0-8092-3935-3. He is a British pet psychologist to whom vets refer their problem cases. (American readers should check the glossary at the back of the book, to help translate terms like "moggy".) He gives very good explanations of why cats do things, and how to work within their way of thinking to convince them to do otherwise.
Peden, Barbara Lynn. Dogs & Cats Go Vegetarian. Harbingers of a New Age, publisher, 12100 Brighton Street, Hayden Lake, ID 83835 USA; Katz Go Vegan, publisher, Box 161, 7 Battle Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN37 7AA, UK. ISBN 0-941391-01-6. Discusses the develpment of Vegecat supplement, a source of taurine derived from petroleum.
Povey, R. Charles. 1985. Infectious diseases of Cats: A clinical handbook. Centaur Press, Guelph, Ontario C85-098602-8
Robinson, F. Cat Genetics for Breeders. For people seriously interested in how genetics work in cats.
Siegal, Mordecai, ed. The Cornell Book of Cats (by the faculty and staff of Cornell Feline Health Center, Cornell University; Villard Books, New York, 1989). This is an excellent reference book for the owner who wants detailed medical information. It is more sophisticated than popular/consumer type books; it is more like a veterinary textbook, but you don't have to be a vet to understand the material.
Siegal, Mordecai, ed. Simon & Schuster's Guide to Cats. Originally in Spanish, Arnoldo Mondadori. Fireside Book, Simon & Schuster. 1983, ISBN: 0-671-49170-9.
Stephens, Gloria. Legacy of the Cat (photography by Tetsu Yamazaki, San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1989, ISBN 0-87701-728-X/0-87701-695 pbk). Dense cat genetics information w/pictures. 37 breeds then described.
Taylor, David. You and Your Cat. Lots of useful information. A (slightly incomplete) breed summary complete with color pictures. A trouble-shooting guide for sick cats.
Tellington-Jones, Linda, with Sybil Taylor. The Tellington TTouch: A Breakthrough Technique to Train and Care for Your Favorite Animal. Viking Penguin. 1992. ISBN 0-670-82578-6. Some of what Linda does is clearly helpful in dealing with problem dogs and cats, but there are parts of her presentation of her ideas that may turn people off because they seem to be a little too far out of the mainstream. Good massage tips.
Thies, Dagmar. Cat Care. TFH Publications, 1989. ISBN 0-86622-776-8.
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall. The Tribe of the Tiger. This is a great book for understanding the behavior and culture of cats, and she makes clear how almost every action of our household darlings is connected to the big cats in the wild.
Turner, Dennis C. and Paterick Bateson, eds: The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behaviour. Cambridge (UK) University Press, 1988.
Wright, Michael and Sally Walters, eds. The Book of the Cat (New York: Summit Books (Pan Books, London), 1980, ISBN 0-671-44753-X/0-671-41624-3 pbk). Includes a good discussion of genetics and cat breeds. Lots of detail, but very accessible, a good way to get started once you're past the first stage of learning about cats.
White and Evans. The Catopedia. Henson 1986(?).
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