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3.2 Adverse Reactions to Milk


This article is from the Children Allergies and Asthma FAQ, by Eileen Kupstas Soo kupstas@cs.unc.edu with numerous contributions by others.

3.2 Adverse Reactions to Milk

When the term allergy was coined, it referred to a broad category of
adverse reactions to substances. Today, allergy specifically refers to
an immunologic interaction between an allergen and an antibody. Other
adverse reactions are now typically referred to as intolerances.
Extreme food allergy leading to anaphylaxis or asthma requires special
treatment; otherwise, for both intolerances and "true allergy", the
only real solution is avoidance (with a couple exceptions). This
section of the FAQ deals specifically with milk sensitivity, whether
lactose intolerance or milk allergy.


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