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180 mpeg2ply (WINDOWS-NT - MPEG Free available software)


This article is from the MPEG FAQ, by Frank Gadegast phade@cs.tu-berlin.de with numerous contributions by others.

180 mpeg2ply (WINDOWS-NT - MPEG Free available software)

[The June 30 edition of mpeg2w11 does not contain encoder port]

MPEG Software Simulation Group codecs
for Windows 32s

MPEG2DEC.EXE and MPEG2ENC.EXE are Windows 32s ports with integrated
display functions of the MPEG Software Simulation Group's programs.

MPEG2PLY.EXE is the port of mpeg2play---Stefan Eckart's variation of
mpeg2decode which optimizes speed through fast decoding methods such as
approximation techniques, loop unravelling, et al.

All Win32s programs were ported with Microsoft Visual C++. Only the
main() program and display files (mpeg2dec.c, mpeg2enc.c, or mpeg2ply.c)
differ from the standard "Unix distribution."

If you do not have a 32-bit Windows environment (e.g. Win 4.0 Chicago,
Windows NT), but plain old Windows 16 (e.g. Windows 3.1), yet you do
possess either a 386, 486, or Pentium-based PC, you can download the
Microsoft 32-bit extension program, "Win32s" from the Microsoft FTP


(this is the latest edition--June 23, 1994)

Win32s archive (mpeg2w11.zip):

   mpeg2dec.c             Main() routine.  Initiates application and display.
   mpeg2dec.r             MS Visual C++ resource file.
   makefile               MS Visual C++ project file.
   gui.h                  #include constants for MS GUI values.
   mpeg2dec.exe           Speed-optimized executable
   grayleo.ico            mpeg2dec.exe 32x32 4-bit System Palette icon

About the windows icon:
The 32x32 4-bit icon for MPEG2DEC.EXE and MPEG2ENC.EXE is a silhouette
of Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione (CSELT, Italy), none other than our
co-founder and exhaulted lifetime Convenor of MPEG.

Many thanks to Sorin Papuc (sop@compcore.com) for porting these programs
to Windows 32s.


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